Searching for Davis’ Aura

"How's it going?"

Seeing that the Dragon Queen, Sarafini, was sitting on the bed without moving for a long time, Sarafini could not help but become suspicious.

Could it be that the Dragon Queen was stalling for time?

The Dragon Queen closed her eyes and answered with her mind "Don't disturb me for the time being. I am currently separating the aura in the room. If possible, I hope that everyone can leave the room temporarily.

"Now, we have reached the most crucial step in separating our aura. Any interruption will result in failure."

After receiving Sarafini's message, he immediately led the group of archangels out of the room and cast an anti-interference spell.

Among the people present, only Sarafini had the ability to find traces of Davis and Lilia.

Was Davis' disappearance caused by the dragons being bewitched by evil creatures such as demons, or was it caused by the dragons?