Rebirth of the Reverse Scale

At this time, Sarafini broke the silence and said, "I have already sent a message to the Dragon Race. Soon, there will be members of the Dragon Race arriving on Paradise Island. Now, everyone needs to lend me your power to plug up this hidden space crack."


Following that, Sarafini used her finger to draw a circular array that was flashing with dark red dragon power.

In the middle of the circular array, there was a dragon-shaped pattern.

Within the dragon-shaped pattern, there was a powerful spatial power.

"Now, everyone, please inject your power into this array."

Sarafini was the first to set an example, injecting her own power into the array.

In an instant, the magic circle's brightness increased by a few degrees.

Seeing how frank Sarafini was, Sariel did not have any qualms and injected her power into the magic circle.