Rescue the Team

Toru laid on the ground in silence.

In fact, he had already woken up when dragon king number one touched him.

However, he was shocked by dragon king number one's words.

Toru's eyes had been gouged out, so he could not see dragon king number one's expression.

However, he could tell from the voice that dragon king number one's grief was not fake.

However, he also felt anger in his heart.


The senior he had once respected was actually his father!

Then, why did his father abandon him in the first place?

Toru wanted to question dragon king number one, but the words were stuck in his throat.

Toru felt a strong hatred for dragon king number one for abandoning him.

This was because... that had caused him endless suffering when he was young.

However, he had to admit that dragon king number one had indeed fulfilled his responsibility as a father.