The Ultimate Explosion

Sarafini felt that this was a conspiracy.

The space force field contained enormous power but it easily avoided Uriel's flaming sword.

All of this had a strange feeling.

It felt like a long-planned conspiracy.

Sarafini suddenly rushed toward the spatial force field but she was ready for Raphael's death.

This was because the explosion mechanism of the space force field had been triggered.

Moreover, Uriel's flaming sword also entered the space force field.

Even if the angels and dragon warriors were not affected by the power of the empty explosion, they would still be accidentally injured by Uriel's powerful flaming sword.

Sarafini was a little helpless.

If it was just the space force field, she had a way to solve it.

However, if Uriel's flaming sword was added to it, she would not have any power.

Raphael also saw the menacing flaming sword.

The moment the flaming sword appeared, it caught his attention.