The Traitor is by Her Side

Sarafini found that although the power in her body had decreased further, she felt that her power had become even purer.

Now, even if the transparent power in her body had been reduced by half, her actual combat strength was still much higher than before her realm had improved.

Moreover, the transparent power was continuously produced in her body.

In addition, she could use the transparent power in her body to plunder the power of the demons.

Sarafini did not know how terrifying her current strength was.

She also did not know her specific realm.


She knew that the amount of power in her body had increased by at least twice as much.

Now, she could take revenge on the demon.

She could use the demon's power to supplement her power.

This was because when she was looking for Davis' blood, she found a hidden portal.

The portal was closed but it was not destroyed by the demon.