“A Good Dragon Doesn’t Take Back Its Scales.”

"It's the same level as when I broke through from a cherub to a seraph.

"In one go, I'll directly break through to the realm above the true seraph."

After Vontel finished talking to himself, the speed at which his body absorbed energy suddenly increased.

Above the true seraph was the level of a war angel saint.

Little angel saint, ordinary angel saint, archangel saint... seraph saint.

The war angel saint was the highest level angel Vontel knew of.

Now, Vontel wanted to break through to the level of the little angel saint.

Even the little angel saint's strength was much stronger than the current true seraph.

One had to know that even the little angel saint could be considered a war angel saint.

Fiona was a war angel saint in her previous life, and her strength at that time was that of a little angel saint.