Kill the Zombies! Mission Completed!

The mission issued by the system would not disappear.

At this moment, Thomson's attention was completely focused on the crisis in front of him.

Looking at the claws of the zombies, Thomson did not dare to be negligent.

After all, even a lion needed to use its full strength to kill a rabbit.

There were thousands of roads and safety was the first priority.

Thomson's heart moved and time stopped!

In the next moment, the five zombies that pounced on him seemed to have their acupoints sealed. They stood there in a daze, not moving at all.

Thomson raised his eyes and looked at the motionless zombies. He felt a little disgusted.

These zombies all had crooked mouths and slanted eyes. They were all ferocious and terrifying.

They definitely made people not want to look at them again.

He hefted the tang knife in his hand.

Thomson revealed a satisfied smile.

After all, this knife was given by the system, so it was definitely not an ordinary item.

He used the tip of the knife to compare it to the nearest male zombie in front of him.

This zombie was opening his bloody mouth, looking like he wanted to bite off Thomson's neck.

'Since you want to eat me, then you have to be prepared to be killed.'

Thomson held the tang knife and forcefully chopped the neck of the male zombie in front of him.

It was like he had cut into tofu. It was effortless.

The zombie's head rolled far away as it was chopped off with one slash!

The cut on the zombie's neck was very smooth, which meant that the tang knife was extremely sharp.

It was indeed an exquisite tang knife. It deserved its reputation. Thomson looked at the tang knife in his hand and could not help but praise it.

It was so easy to chop off a zombie's head.

Thomson was a little addicted to it.

Soon there were sounds of chopping off zombies' heads. "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh".

Like chopping a watermelon, the rest of the zombies' head was also chopped off by Thomson.

Under the blessing of the time freeze, the zombies all stood there stupidly. Thomson was like an executioner. It was as if the criminal had stretched out his neck and waited for Thomson to chop it off.

Although zombies did not have pain nerves, it was not easy for them to die.

Now that their heads were gone, they definitely could not survive.

After chopping off their heads, Thomson immediately deactivated time freeze.

This was because using time freeze would consume a lot of Thomson's mental strength.

Five headless zombies fell to the ground at the same time.

Thomson quickly moved away, afraid that he would be stained by the zombie's blood.

There was a virus in the zombie's blood.

"Ho, ho, ho, ho!"

The sound of the zombie falling to the ground immediately attracted the attention of the zombies outside.

After all, these zombies had excellent hearing.

Before the zombies outside came in, Thomson looked at his system interface.

He looked at his second mission.

"Host, please kill ten zombies."

"After completing the mission, you'll receive one of the three rewards."

Thomson saw that under this mission, there was something that looked like a progress bar.

It showed that he had already killed five zombies.

This meant that as long as Thomson killed five more zombies, he would be able to complete the second mission given by the system.

When he thought that he would receive the system reward again, Thomson immediately felt very motivated.

He did not know what the next reward would be.

'Since I still need to kill five zombies, then I should seize every second and take the initiative to attack.'

For the current Thomson, with his special ability time freeze and incomparable tang knife, chopping zombies was like chopping a watermelon.

Not to mention killing five more zombies, even if it was several times more zombies, as long as Thomson was not tired, there would not be any problems.

Carrying the tang knife, Thomson swaggered out of the door.

He walked with an incomparable pace. 

Not long after, Thomson met two zombies.

After having killed a few zombies, Thomson was now familiar with killing zombies.

His right foot stomped on the ground and Thomson rushed forward.

The zombie in front of him did not have time to react before Thomson cut his head open.

The zombie next to him roared when he saw his companion being killed.

He wanted to bite Thomson's neck.

Thomson immediately activated time freeze.

The situation that was difficult to dodge was easily resolved.

He stretched his neck and the zombie that wanted to bite him stood there as if he was frozen.

Thomson turned around and chopped off the zombie's head.

After dealing with these two zombies, Thomson deactivated the time freeze.

This way, he could minimize the consumption of his spiritual power.

In other words, using the time freeze ability in this way only took a few seconds.

The consumption of spiritual power could be said to be negligible.

The best option was to use the tang knife. This was the trick that Thomson had summed up.

Thomson now understood that he had to use his ability unexpectedly to achieve the best effect.

Then, he could turn attain victory at the critical moment.

After summing up the trick, Thomson found three more zombies.

He used the same trick again. In a short while, Thomson had killed three zombies.

After killing the last zombie, all the zombies in the small hotel that Thomson had stayed in were killed.

In this way, the second mission given by the system was also completed.


"Congratulations, host, you have completed the mission."

"Your mission of killing ten zombies has been successfully completed. You will be rewarded with one of three rewards."

"One: a box of fragrant bread. This bread can quickly restore your stamina."

"Two: 20 free attribute points. This attribute point can freely increase one's own attributes."

"Three: a gene optimization liquid. This gene optimization liquid can greatly increase one's physical fitness. It can increase strength, speed, vitality, and spiritual power by 10 attribute points each."

Thomson looked at these three rewards.

In the zombie apocalypse, what was the most important thing? It was definitely not money.

Originally, the most important thing was money. In a world where money could not be circulated, it was even more useless than wastepaper.

Wastepaper could wipe one's butt.

Money with ink could not even be used to wipe one's butt.

Therefore, the most important things were food, water, and medicine.

If it had to be combined with mental enjoyment, then beautiful women could be counted as well.

It had been more than a month since the apocalypse broke out.

Some of the resources that could be salvaged were all gone.

There were no workers in the factory to produce things.

So, the materials used now were lesser.

It was not an easy to find food in the apocalyptic world.

A box of bread was worth more than a hundred tons of gold.

After all, gold was something that could not be eaten.

As for option two, 20 free attribute points, this reward was not bad.

Previously, Thomson felt that one free attribute point was too little.

He hesitated between one free attribute point and the tang knife.

Now, the system had given him 20 free attribute points. It had increased by 20 times!

Moreover, this could immediately increase his strength. In the apocalypse, nothing was more important than strength.

As long as he had strength, he could break through places like supermarkets and hospitals that were occupied by zombies.

Zombies would not eat food from supermarkets.

Thomson could eliminate these zombies and obtain resources by himself.

He had just eaten a pack of instant noodles, so he was not hungry at the moment. Currently, the issue of food was not very urgent. 

He only needed the third option - a gene optimization liquid. This was a special reward.

After taking it, he could increase his strength, speed, constitution, and spirit by ten times.

Each of the four aspects would be increased by ten times, which added up to 40 points.

Compared to 20 free attribute points, it was double.

The free attribute points in option two could be freely distributed, such as adding them to one's spiritual power.

In this way, the time and range that Thomson could control would definitely be greatly increased.

However, Thomson felt that it was better to develop in a balanced manner.

'System, I choose option three.'

Thomson muttered in his heart.

In an instant, a bottle of red potion appeared in Thomson's hand.

At this moment, the mechanical voice of the system sounded in Thomson's mind once again.


"Host, to become the Overlord of the Apocalypse, one needs great strength and experience."

"Host, please kill 100 zombies. If the mission is completed, there will be a generous reward."

"Host, to dominate the post-apocalyptic world, one also needs power. Host, please subdue one of your subordinates. If the mission is completed, there will be a generous reward."

Thomson looked at the two missions that were released at the same time.

Each mission had a generous reward.

Two missions meant two times the reward.

This was double happiness for Thomson.

After consuming the genetic optimization liquid, his various abilities would increase. Killing 100 zombies was only a matter of time.

However, subduing a subordinate...

Thomson's line of sight was suddenly attracted by a building opposite him.

On the roof of the building opposite him, a long-legged girl was standing elegantly on it.

Although he could not see the girl's appearance clearly, under the sunlight, her long white legs were glowing.

She must be a beauty with long legs as her long legs were heaven-defying.

She seemed to be a beauty. Perhaps the second mission given by the system would be completed soon.

Thomson thought to himself.