Policewoman Nina!

Nina stood on the top floor.

The zombies downstairs made her feel like crying.

At this time, she could not hold on any longer. She had not eaten for a week. A normal person would have fainted from hunger.

However, she had a strong will to survive, so she had not collapsed yet.

Two weeks ago, the last bit of food left in the house had been eaten.

Nina found some supplies nearby, but they were limited. After all, she could only collect less and less things.

As time passed, more and more zombies began to appear. She did not dare to explore further.

Several times, the zombies almost caught up with Nina.

With her cleverness, Nina had escaped death several times.

She knew that if she could not find food and water, she would really die here.

That was why she climbed to the roof and planned to make another struggle. She had already called for help many times on the roof.

The day before yesterday, a man in the opposite building rushed out of the building to save her. Before he reached her building, he was eaten by the zombies wandering on the street.

Yesterday, there were two men in the opposite house. They responded to her call for help.

However, the two men wrote a few words on the white sheets for her to see.

"Be our maid!"

Nina gave up asking the two men for help.

Although she was so hungry that her eyes were dizzy, she could not accept the fact that she had to sell her body to survive.

She really could not accept it. She would rather jump off the roof than be the plaything of the two men.

Nina paid no attention to those two men.

Although the end of the world had already begun for more than a month, her heart was still filled with longing for love and the future.

Moreover, she had never had a boyfriend. How could she die just like that.

Nina was the campus belle of the police academy. Letting her, the campus belle, be the maid of two men, was worse than death.

There were so many zombies that Nina did not have much hope.

Earlier, she vaguely saw the scene where Thomson had cut off the heads of zombies in the opposite building.

Although she did not see it very clearly, the man did come out of the zombie encirclement.

Seeing Thomson cutting off the heads of zombies as if they were watermelons, Nina's hope was ignited again.

Maybe this man was sent by God to save her. Maybe this man was a good man. He had the ability to save me. In addition, he would not do anything to me.

In that case, Caitlin would be saved.

Caitlin and Nina were good sisters, the kind that grew up together. So, the two of them had a very good relationship.

When the apocalypse first broke out, communication, electricity, and traffic had not completely collapsed yet. Caitlin and Nina spoke on the phone.

Nina, who had been in Police Academy all year round, naturally told Caitlin with confidence that she would be able to ensure her safety. Nina would be able to go and save her as soon as possible. She would not let Caitlin get hurt.

However, in the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

Nina could not help but worry about how Caitlin was doing. Was she in danger? Was she still alive?

Although she knew that the situation outside was very dangerous, the chances of Caitlin being alive were not high.

As long as there was a slim chance, Nina did not want to give up. After all, she had made a promise to Caitlin.

It was just that she had underestimated the destructive power of zombies. She could not save Caitlin by herself at all.

Not only Nina could not save her but she was like a clay Buddha crossing the river. Nina could not even save herself.

Now, Thomson appeared in Nina's sight. A glimmer of hope was rekindled.

Having made up her mind, Nina began to ask Thomson for help. She did not dare to shout because there were zombies downstairs.

If she shouted, she would definitely attract the zombies. As long as she made a sound, the zombies would definitely find her.

How much longer could she hold on? Nina did not have any idea.

She could not scream. Nina could only wave for help.

However, Thomson only glanced at her. He did not say anything.

Nina understood Thomson very well.

In the apocalypse, it was already good enough to survive.

It was indeed a bit too much to save people without caring about his own safety.

However, she saw how easily Thomson could kill zombies.

Maybe he was a very powerful person or he was a master fighter. Or maybe he could come to me safely and save me.

Thinking of Caitlin, Nina began to pin her hopes on Thomson. She even hoped that Thomson would take her to save Caitlin.

Nina did not give up hope. She took out her close-fitting white clothes and cut her fingers. She wrote the SOS message on it.

After losing some blood, Nina felt even more dizzy. If this man did not come to save her, Nina would not last the day.

'I hope he sees my cry for help and comes to save me.'

Nina saw Thomson in the building across the road, indeed looking at her.

'Did he saw my cry for help? That's great! I hope he can come over.'

Nina hoped in her heart.

At this moment, Thomson's eyesight had greatly improved.

At this time, he had already clearly seen the long-legged girl on the opposite roof.

Looking at Nina, his eyes could not help but light up!