Do Zombies Wear White Shoes?

Thomson ignored the situation on the street behind him.

The time freeze had been lifted.

The rest of the zombies would gather soon.

Thomson entered the corridor and walked up the stairs.

He wiped the blood off the tang knife in one motion.

The tang knife, which had a cold aura, was now sharper.

Looking at the tang knife, Thomson had an illusion.

This tang knife seemed to have become even more demonic.

It was as if it had a soul.

It looked at him coldly.

Could it be that this tang knife had a soul?

Thomson did not have time to pay attention to the tang knife.

He walked quickly along the stairs.

This building was much better than the one he had stayed in before.

Be it the environment or the decorations, it was much better than the one he was in before.

Moreover, there was an elevator in this building.

However, Thomson still had to use his legs.

This was because the electrical facilities had already been destroyed by the zombies.

The elevator could not be used at all.

There were two zombies on the stairs facing him.

With two slashes, Thomson had finished them off.

Before the zombies fell, Thomson had already passed them by.

Now, Thomson was very strong!

The genetic optimization liquid was very useful to him.

In the blink of an eye, Thomson went up to the fourth floor.

The door of a house on the fourth floor was wide open.

Thomson saw thick bloodstains on the floor and the unique grunts of zombies coming from inside.

There might be food and water inside.

After all, zombies were not interested in this.

However, now was not the time to gather resources.

After all, the girl's safety was the most important thing.

Thomson did not want himself or his subordinate to be eaten by zombies.

Moreover, the girl had a great body and looks.

Thomson kept moving forward.

There were a few zombies scattered on the stairs.

They could not even slow Thomson down for a few seconds.

He was good at killing zombies.

He was used to chopping off heads.

Thomson could find the position of the zombie's neck with his eyes closed.

After all, if he swung his knife a certain number of times, his muscles would form memories.

One or two zombies would not be a problem for him.

Only five or more zombies would block his way.

That would make Thomson pay attention and treat them well.

Of course, he would only take it a little seriously.

If there was any danger, he could just use time freeze.

No matter how many zombies blocked his way, it would not be a problem.

It was just that the number of times he swung his knife had increased.

In the blink of an eye, Thomson had already reached the tenth floor.

Thomson felt a little strange.

The zombies in this building seemed to have been cleaned up.

There were not many of them.

He saw some zombies lying on the ground with their blood dried up.

Obviously, they had been dead for many days.

Could it be that other survivors had killed these zombies?

Although saving people was important, it was not as important as saving the girl.

Moreover, his own life was the most important!

Thomson stood at the entrance of the corridor on the fifteenth floor, glancing at the dead zombies on the ground.

Thomson heard many zombie noises coming from the roof.

The survivors were upstairs!

Could it be that the long-legged girl killed those zombies?

Thomson thought to himself.

If that were the case, it would be pretty cool.

After all, it was much better to have a capable subordinate than a pretty one.

Thomson remained vigilant and continued forward upstairs.

Going up, he would reach the roof.

At the entrance of the roof passage, seven or eight zombies were trying to squeeze toward the roof.

However, the roof passage was very narrow and two zombies were stuck.

So, the zombies behind could not get in.

Thomson's footsteps had startled the zombies.

The zombies gave up on going upstairs.

They turned around and walked toward Thomson.

Their mouths were wide open, revealing their long fangs.

Their shriveled eyes seemed to reveal a pleasantly surprised expression.

It was as if Thomson's arrival had made them extremely excited.

Compared to their excitement, Thomson was also excited at this moment.

Facing seven or eight zombies alone in this narrow passage...

How dangerous was this!

A normal survivor would probably be so scared that they would immediately turn around and leave.

However, Thomson would not!

Thomson did not say anything else and directly used time freeze.

Time freeze!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

One slash after another.

In the blink of an eye, half of the zombies' heads were gone.

Thomson did not kill the remaining four zombies all at once.

To others, zombies were dangerous.

To Thomson, they were just toys.

This was because he thought of zombies as tools to help him improve his strength.

Time stopped.

Thomson wanted to practice his combat experience.

In the narrow passage, Thomson jumped up and down.

The tang knife in his hand was also moving erratically.

It cut, stabbed or slashed horizontally.

The remaining four zombies, although they had regained the ability to move, but facing the powerful Thomson, they were killed before they could even touch the corner of his clothes.

The last four zombies were killed.

Thomson let out a sigh of relief.

If he did not use time freeze to fight his enemies, he needed to remain vigilant at all times.

In this way, it would consume even more spiritual power than activating time freeze.

However, Thomson's actual combat experience was also rapidly improving.

After all, the zombies that could not be cut down were not the same as the zombies that could move.

It was not the same level of difficulty.

Thomson carried the tang knife on his shoulder.

With one kick, he had kicked two zombies that were stuck at the entrance of the passage and the zombies had lost their heads.

He entered the rooftop.

The long-legged girl from before was shivering and hiding in a corner.

She hugged her small head and did not dare to look outside.

Her long legs had attracted Thomson's attention at once.

It was too attractive.

Thomson walked to the girl.

A pair of white shoes appeared in the girl's sight.


Could zombies wear white shoes?

Or clean white shoes?

The girl looked up at Thomson in confusion.

Thomson's back was facing the sun.

The sun was shining behind him.

At this moment, Thomson was like the Monkey King who was wearing an armor and stepping on colorful clouds.

The girl could not help but be stunned.

This man was so handsome.

He was simply glowing due to his aesthetics!

He had starry eyebrows, sharp eyes, and a straight nose.

Coupled with his determined face.

It stirred the girl's heart all the time.

The girl was dazed by it and did not move for a moment.

"Hey, are you scared, silly?"

Thomson raised his hand and waved it in front of the girl.