The Leader of the East Side, Taylor

Although Lester's loyalty was high, there was still a prompt in the system panel - "shaken by current events".

Thomson did not know what it meant, but he thought that his actions had convinced Lester and won him over.

It was just that he had not handled it properly and was not fully acknowledged by the other party.

Now, it seemed that was not the case.

It was very likely that because of his endless powerful methods, Lester had the idea of stealing from his teacher.

After he learned it, he might abandon him.

He might even turn on him.

However, Thomson did not care.

Whether Lester was loyal to him or had other motives, he did not care.

As long as Lester was his subordinate and could help him complete the mission and bring benefits, that was enough.

Thomson could have pretended not to know what was going on in Lester's mind.

They were just using each other.

The difference was that while he kept getting system rewards from him, Lester could not get anything he wanted from him.

Before you knew it, the sun was up.

Nina set the table on the roof, cooked, and made a few simple dishes out of cans from the twenty-seventh-floor storage.

It was a lunch specially prepared for Thomson.

In such a difficult environment, Nina insisted that he get the best enjoyment he could.

Of course, Lester just squatted in the corner and ate his bread.

Thomson took a bite and it tasted good.

He did not expect Nina to train hard in the police academy every day and still have time to practice good cooking.

After lunch, Thomson began to count the supplies.

Among the things that Lester and Nina brought, apart from food and water, there were also a few knives and a radio communication device.

Nina was very understanding and went forward to adjust it and found that it was still functional.

After a short noise, what followed was a panicked human voice.

"Save me, please, who can save me? I'm at No. 74 Boulogne Street... Ho... Ho... Ah!"

After the hurried voice, Thomson heard a low roar unique to zombies. With a scream, this person did not make any sound.

It seemed that something had happened.

The street he mentioned was on the other side of the city, far away from where Thomson was, so there was no need to explore.

Nina changed the channel.

This time, a strong male voice came out.

"Attention all survivors in the eastern zone. My name is Taylor. I'm the leader of the Eastern Zone.

"No matter what kind of danger you are in or what you're facing...

"As long as you tell us your location, we'll send a hunting squad to your location and bring you out safely.

"We provide sufficient food, water, medicine, necessities, and armed protection.

"There's electricity and hot water here, which will allow you to live like you did before the disaster.

"The premise is that you're willing to contribute your own strength to the entire team."

The voice began to repeat at this point. It was obviously a recording.

Thomson asked, "Nina, if I remember correctly, this place belongs to the Eastern District, right?"

Nina nodded slightly.

It was not difficult to know from the radio.

More than a month after the disaster, there were already some survivors gathering to form a shelter.

At the same time, they controlled a part of the city's very important resources.

"If the system mission requires me to recruit more subordinates in the future, maybe I can go to them and try."

Thomson thought so.

Now that the city was paralyzed and occupied by a large number of zombies, the scattered survivors could only hide in unknown corners like rats and struggle for their lives.

If he wanted to expand his manpower in the future, these scattered survivors would definitely not be the best choice.

It was time-consuming, laborious, and extremely inefficient to find them.

It was better to use this so-called "leader of the Eastern District" to develop their own forces.

Nina changed the radio channels a few more times. It was either noisy or some distress messages. It was not very valuable.

"Save some electricity for later use. Let's go."

Thomson began to give orders. With a wave of his hand, he stored all the materials into the system space, leaving only the daggers behind.

After trying to control them with his telekinesis for a while, the few daggers jabbed straight into the wall not far away. Their lethality was astonishing and they were very easy to use.

Another method to deal with the enemy had been added. Moreover, it did not deplete much of his strength, so it was very safe to use it.

Compared to using time freeze to stop the attack in close quarters, Thomson preferred the feeling of controlling a flying dagger.

However, the possibility of killing their way out from the front of the building was still not high.

Thomson and the others could only avoid the attack. They went down from the fire stairs outside the building to the lower level. Then, they used the buffer from the roof next door to return to the ground.


They moved as they pleased. A few daggers turned into throwing knives and pierced through the heads of the three zombies in the alley, clearing the area.

Nina held her gun and looked at every corner. She did not find any zombies hiding there.

It was safe for the time being.

If they went any further, they would reach the main street.

That place was blocked by countless cars. It was very quiet. No one knew if there were a few zombies standing by the exit of the alley.

However, Thomson did not need to worry about these things.

The throwing knives opened the way and he walked leisurely behind them, forcefully tearing open a safe passage.

Nina was in charge of dealing with the zombies that Thomson's throwing knives could not handle while Lester was holding the scalpel, protecting Nina's back.

The team slowly advanced.

The kill mission value on Thomson's system interface kept increasing.

23% ... 30% ... 40%!

After advancing a few hundred meters, the mission progress had reached 50%!

Although the efficiency was high, they still spent quite a bit of time.

The journey that should only take a few minutes had taken Thomson an entire afternoon.

This was something that could not be helped.

The road was blocked by a large number of vehicles, so there were not many places that could be unblocked.

Moreover, the zombies were still creating trouble for them.

Although Nina's sniper rifle was equipped with a silencer and it was produced by the system and its quality was better than the ones on Earth, it was not completely silent when it was fired.

The slight stimulation of the sound would inevitably cause the zombies to react.

More importantly, the roars between the zombies would also make each other more excited.

From time to time, zombies would leap down from the next floor. Even if they were smashed into meat paste, they would still charge at the three of them.

Occasionally, zombies that had broken free from the restraints of the seat belt would come out, giving Lester a big fright.

In such a situation, it was already very time-consuming to clean up the zombies, not to mention finding a way out in such a harsh environment.

They were struggling.