Flying in the Air!

After a short delay, the zombies outside the building were getting closer.

It was already too late to get out.

It was obvious that the leader of the Hunter Squad wanted to use the zombies to get rid of Thomson.

This time, they were facing the problem of being trapped in this building.

Lester also realized this and quickly ran into the room to check if there were any fire stairs for escape.

Unfortunately, this building did not have one.

He had been traumatized by being trapped in the storage room for a month and he did not want this to happen again. He could not help but break down and questioned Thomson.

"What are you thinking about?

"Why don't you wait until we get to their base before you give them trouble?

"I know you can teleport, but it seems that the range of movement is very short, right? Can you let us escape from here?

"I don't think so.

"Answer me! As the boss, is this how you treat the lives of your subordinates?"

Thomson kept raising his head. No one knew what he was looking at, so he answered casually, "Yes, I can't."

He did not tell Lester about his ability and Nina would not mention it, which led Lester to think that his time freeze was teleportation.

However, what he said was right. Time freeze only had a range of dozens of meters, which was too far to walk out of a building, not to mention the sea of zombies outside.

However, Thomson was not worried.

Time freeze could not work, but his other ability, telekinesis control, could.

At this moment, he activated his eye of insight, trying to see the movements of the Hunter Squad members through the many floors.

Unfortunately, he failed.

The eye of insight indeed could not see through, at least for now. Perhaps in the future, when his spiritual power became stronger, there would be some changes.

Thomson's calm response made Lester completely furious.

"Hur, hur, good, very good."

Lester threw away the tang knife in his hand. "I'm very sorry, I want to live."

His meaning was self-evident.

Thomson nodded. "It's my duty."

Lester left without looking back.


"System notification: your subordinate Lester's loyalty is below 30. He has chosen to betray you."

Nina aimed at his back and slowly raised the muzzle of her gun, but Thomson held it down.

Nina was a little puzzled. "Boss, he betrayed you. Why didn't you kill him?"

Thomson smiled. "It's not a mistake to want to live."

Nina snorted and pouted. "I want to live too, but I never thought of betraying you."

"Nina, you have to know that he's different from you."

Thomson held her and walked past Ralph's corpse at the bedside. He took out a blanket from the system space.

"What... What's different..."

'Different gender?'

Nina blushed when she saw his actions and started to think about random things.

'It can't be... Didn't Boss explain to Lester and let him go just so that... It's convenient to consume her?'

Thomson pointed at the blanket. "I'll explain to you later. Go up first."

Nina immediately became shy and stammered, "I want it now..."

"There are still many zombies downstairs...

"And the door is still open..."

Thomson slapped her butt and glared at her. Nina put on a wronged expression and lay on the bed.

She then started to take off her clothes.

In the end, Thomson used his telekinesis to retrieve the tang knife from the corridor outside and tore the window apart.

Nina's hand that was unbuttoning her shirt paused. She did not know if Thomson wanted to make love to her or what.

Then, she saw Thomson jump onto the bed as well. Immediately after, the blanket trembled slightly and flew out of the window with a "whoosh" under the mysterious power.

"Wow! We're flying!"

Nina widened her eyes. Only then did she understand that Thomson was using his mysterious power to bring her away from here.

Under the moonlight, she could vaguely see tens of thousands of zombies swarming onto the street below. When the zombies that rushed into the building heard Nina's cheerful shout, they all smashed the glass in unison and flew over.

Thomson immediately used his mind to control the distance between them.

His head was covered in sweat.

With his current mental strength, it was still a little difficult for him to control the blanket and the people to fly like Harry Potter.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

The sound of a propeller suddenly sounded.

Thomson looked up and saw that the Hunter Squad had arranged a helicopter on the roof to escape.

"They're leaving!"

Nina gritted her teeth, still holding a grudge against these people.

"Don't worry, they can't leave."

Thomson flew to the side with the blanket. His eyes turned cold and a silver light followed his thoughts and rushed toward the helicopter.

In the next moment, the propeller separated. The helicopter lost its power and could no longer maintain its balance. It led the Hunter Squad to crash into a building on the side.

After a while, a violent explosion was heard. Countless zombies were attracted by the noise and swarmed toward the building.

"They deserve it! It's best if they all die!" Nina said angrily.

"The plane didn't explode at the first moment. I don't think many people died. As for these zombies... They are well-equipped. They must've other ways to escape. For them, it's just a small problem."

"Ah..." Nina felt very regretful. "Should we go and kill them?"

Thomson hung Nina's nose and said with a smile, "Keep them alive. I still have a use for them."

Nina's blue eyes lit up. "Boss, do you want them to lead the way?"


"Then why don't we just follow their helicopter? Isn't that faster?"

'Of course, I can't keep up!'

Thomson did not say that. He reached out and caressed her cheek. He was attracted by Nina's eyes and slowly kissed her.

"I'll avenge you."

Nina's heart trembled and she responded enthusiastically.