The First Power, James

As expected, it was the Hunter Squad that had called for help.

"This so-called leader of the Eastern District is really generous. He sent a helicopter over."

Nina mumbled and reluctantly put on her clothes. She was very tired. She had wanted to lie in Thomson's arms for a while and watch the show on the other floor, but now, it was interrupted by the helicopter.

Not to mention Nina, even Thomson found it unbelievable.

Taylor, whom he had never met before, really cherished his subordinates. He would use such precious resources for such a few people.

Moreover, he sent the helicopter after he learned that his team members were injured.

What if they were infected by zombies? What was the difference between saving them and not saving them?

"No, if it was someone as heartless as the Virgin Mary, he wouldn't have become the leader of the Eastern District. Even if he was, his subordinates wouldn't be so bad."

Thomson fell into deep thought. "If it wasn't to save them, then... Could it be that the person the Hunter Squad wanted to save was very important and was worth it?"

That figure that did not seem to exist flashed past Thomson's mind.

It was as if he had never noticed the other party's existence.

Perhaps the Hunter Squad's leader was too burly.

He had attracted most of the attention.

However, this was the end of the world, where resources were more valuable than human lives.

Who was it that made Taylor pay such a huge price?

Thomson could not figure it out, so he stopped thinking and opened his personal interface.

[Name: Thomson.]

[Age: 25. (10 points for an ordinary person.)]

[Strength: 40. (10 points for an ordinary person.)]

[Speed: 40. (10 points for an ordinary person.)]

[Vitality: 42. (10 points for an ordinary person.)]

[Spirit: 43. (10 points for an ordinary person.)]

[Genetic ability: withstanding blows. (When you're struck, the pain you feel will be reduced due to the strength of your cells. The higher your vitality, the greater the reduction.)]

[Special ability: time freeze. (The higher your spiritual ability is, the longer the time freeze will be, the larger the range. Currently, time freeze can be stopped for four minutes, causing the area within 100 meters to be within the range of time to freeze.)]

[Special ability: eye of insight. (The higher your spiritual ability is, the more information you can see and the further away you are. Currently, you can investigate the basic information of a character and the condition of your special ability, with a range of 200 meters.)]

[Special ability: telekinesis control. (The higher one's spiritual ability is, the larger the object one can control and the longer it lasts.)]


As expected, his attributes had increased and many of his special abilities had been upgraded. Moreover, because he had taken the gene reagent, he had gained an additional passive ability.

"Nina, come, give me a punch. Use your full strength."

Thomson decided to test the effect.

Nina thought that Thomson wanted to play some kind of sex game, so she pretended to be shy and hit him.

It was very light and did not use much strength.

Thomson only felt that he had been stepped on by a cat. If he did not feel it carefully, he would not even know that he had been hit.

With Nina's strength, even if she had restrained her strength, it should not have felt like this.

"Use your full strength, I'm serious." Thomson repeated.

Nina blinked her eyes, gathered strength in her hand, and threw a heavy punch.


A soft sound was heard but this time, it was even more ridiculous, worse than a mosquito bite.

Thomson frowned slightly.

"Did I hurt you?" Nina touched her hand, feeling sorry for him.

"No." Thomson grabbed her hand and asked, "Are you sure you used all your strength?"


After receiving the answer, Thomson took a deep breath.

As expected of the ability produced by the system, it was not exaggerated. With his 42 points of vitality, Nina's 10 points of strength could not break through his defense at all.

Moreover, it seemed that this ability would not work even if he did not feel any harm to his body.

On the contrary, the harder he fought, the stronger his body's resistance would be.

With this ability, as Thomson's constitution improved, perhaps cold weapons, bullets or even explosives would not be able to harm him.

The system was awesome!

At this time, the helicopter had arrived at the roof of the building next door. It was picking up the remaining hunter members as well as Lester and the survivors.

Thomson used his eye of insight to look at the person and the information was clear.

[Name: James]

[Age: 18 (10 points for an ordinary person.)]

[Strength: 4. (10 points for an ordinary person.)]

[Speed: 3. (10 points for an ordinary person.)]

[Vitality: 5. (10 points for an ordinary person.)]

[Spirit: 37. (10 points for an ordinary person.)]

[Superpower: illusion. (Deals a mental blow to the target, causing it to fall into a trance-like state. The higher the spirit, the more targets can be restricted at the same time and the longer the duration.)]

He was a special ability user!

Thomson did not expect that this seemingly ordinary young man had a mental strength of 37 points.

No wonder Taylor had gone through so much trouble to send people to save him. It turned out that an extremely rare special ability user had appeared here.

However, the special ability, illusion, did not have much lethality.

It was only a support-type special ability.

Moreover, this young man's other attributes were far lower than ordinary. It was very likely that he had some kind of illness that led to this result.

The heavens were fair. If they closed one window for you, they would also open another door for you.


"It's the same if there are superpower people. We have to go back!"

Thomson snorted coldly. When the helicopter had picked up the members of the Hunter Squad and flew less than a hundred meters, he extended a spiritual domain.

This time, he did not use a throwing knife. Instead, he used his psychic power to control the huge helicopter.

Thomson, who had a spiritual power of 43 points, had this confidence.

The result was predictable. Lester and the members of the Hunter Squad, who had just boarded the helicopter, fell again before their buttocks had even warmed the seats.

This time, they were unlucky. The direction of the crash was not toward the building, but the ground.

At such a height, it was impossible for anyone to survive.

Thomson still wanted them to lead the way alive. At the last moment of landing, he used his telekinesis to cushion the helicopter as much as possible.

Under his intentional guidance, the helicopter's body turned into a glide. It only stopped after rushing past dozens of cars.

After a while, no one came out.

"Did they all die in there?"

Nina tiptoed and looked around. She could not see the situation inside the wreckage clearly.

"I don't want them to die. How could they die?"

Thomson, who was half-naked, walked to her side and opened his eye of insight to confirm again.

Yes, they were not all dead, but the people who were still alive were seriously injured and unconscious.

Especially Lester and with his injuries, he probably would not last long without medical attention.