Telekinesis - Wind Control!

Originally, Thomson's strength was stronger than Taylor's.

After Taylor had devoured the brains of his underlings, he had doubled his strength.

This made Thomson suffer greatly in a fight.

Thomson's advantage was his speed.

However, it was not exaggerated to say that Taylor could defeat ten people with his strength.

Thomson's ten punches were not as harmful as one from Taylor.

If Thomson had not learned some fighting techniques from Nina, Taylor would have deliberately hit his weak points.

He might not even be able to feel the pain.

Fortunately, Thomson had a special ability to resist attacks and his constitution was not low. Taylor could not kill him in one hit.

The two of them fought more bravely and intensely, destroying more than half of the military base.

There were hunters in the underground shelter who wanted to help, but they could not interfere in the battle between them.

Moreover, Nina was using a sniper rifle to help. Although she could only shoot one at a time, it was still a big deterrent.

For a moment, the hunters were afraid.

Life was their own, after all. There was no need to make meaningless sacrifices.

Thomson continued to attack and defend. At the same time, he used time freeze and telekinesis to attack continuously.

The wounds on Taylor's body continued to increase, but he did not manage to injure Thomson seriously. Slowly, he had lost a lot of blood in the intense fight. The scales of victory gradually moved closer to Thomson's side.

However, this was not enough to pose a fatal threat to Taylor.

At this moment, Taylor made an extremely astonishing move.

He came to the corpse of his subordinate and gobbled up its flesh and blood. After a burst of red light, his aura quickly recovered and he returned to his peak state.

This caused Thomson's long-time efforts to fall short.

"Annoying flies!"

Taylor spat out the blood in his mouth as his eyes turned ferocious.

He had been careless. He had thought that Thomson was just a spirit-type superpower person. As long as he could get close to him, he could easily crush him to death.

However, he had never expected that Thomson's physical fitness was not much weaker than his.

"I really didn't expect you to be an all-rounder."

As he spoke, Taylor let Thomson drive the throwing knives into his flesh.

Suddenly, his muscles exerted force and the twenty throwing knives finally shattered in the high-intensity battle.

Taylor was not having an easy time either. He was bleeding from his wounds but at this moment, he had a mocking smile on his face.

"Without your weapon, how are you going to hurt me?


Taylor suddenly pounced forward and punched fiercely, instantly turning the situation around.

The tang knife was still with Nina.

Thomson, who had lost his weapon, was indeed as Taylor had said. He could no longer cause any damage to Taylor.

He could only try his best to fight and get as few injuries as possible. He kept thinking of ways to break the situation.


Nina used up the last of her bullets and hit Taylor's shoulder, but only half of the bullet was embedded in his flesh.

With the destructive power of the sniper rifle, it could only do so much.

Although Taylor could not see her, he still said roared a threat.

"You'd better not let me find you!"

Thomson's expression was cold. He stepped back and continued to use his telekinesis to control the objects that he could control and throw them at Taylor.

From the steel pipe to the giant stone pillar, he had to use them all at once.

The explosions continued and Taylor was soon drowned in the dust.

"Is he dead?"

Thomson gasped.

His power had been exhausted this time and his spiritual power had been weakened.

A breeze blew and the situation was revealed.

A faint sound came from the heavy debris.

Taylor, who was covered in wounds, walked out step by step.

He licked his lips, his eyes filled with greed.

"As long as I eat you, your ability will be mine!"

He was not dead yet!

Thomson had already exhausted all his means. If Taylor was still fine, then he would be in trouble.


The sound of wind could be heard. It was a huge rock that Taylor had thrown over.

Thomson did not expect that the material he used to attack would become his opponent's weapon. He tried his best to dodge, but was hit by another huge rock that came right after.

Coincidentally, there was also a steel bar on it. Under the strong impact, it pierced through the arm that Thomson had used to block.

This was Thomson's first injury. In the gap where time stopped and could not be used, Taylor seized the opportunity.

"I got you!"

Seeing Thomson's injury, Taylor laughed out loud. He threw a few more things that he could reach and under their cover, he quickly closed in.


With the sound of thunder, the atmosphere became more oppressive. The gradually increasing wind blew so hard that people could not open their eyes.

Thomson felt something. He opened his hands and tried to use his ability to control this impact.

"Bang! Bang!"

With two consecutive sounds, the item that Taylor threw out had collided with something. At the moment when it was about to hit Thomson, it suddenly froze.

Telekinesis - wind control!

From Taylor's point of view, he could see that there was a cyclone slowly revolving around Thomson's body and a strong and invisible energy was gathering around him. It was obvious that Thomson had gained some sort of understanding during the battle.

Taylor wanted to interrupt him but it was difficult for him to get any closer.

The strong wind had formed a natural barrier under Thomson's guidance, pushing him into the air.

He looked at Taylor like a god and said coldly, "You want to eat me? That depends on whether you have the ability or not."

This scene shocked Taylor.

He could not get close, so he could only grab the machine gun on the ground and shoot. However, the bullets were blown away by the strong force while they were still outside the strong wind barrier. Even Thomson's could not get in.

How was he supposed to fight?

"What the f*ck is this thing!"

Taylor panicked. Among the special ability users he had come into contact with, they could at most possess several times the abilities of ordinary people. Although they were powerful, they were still within the range of human strength.

However, he was now dumbfounded. Was there such an existence that could control the natural elements?

How was he supposed to fight?

Was not this a dimensional reduction blow?

He had never seen such a scene before and he could not help but feel the urge to retreat.

In the next moment, Thomson raised his hand and an incomparably powerful whirlwind rushed under Taylor's feet, throwing him high up into the air.

With a drop of more than a hundred meters, even Taylor, who had more than a hundred points of physique and had a zombie-like body that was not afraid of pain, fell to the ground.

"My god..."

James, who had been ordered by Thomson to hide and protect himself, saw this scene and widened his eyes.

Superpowers... Could be used like this?