Labor Pains(Part One)

 Serenity's jaw dropped when she heard his name. Oceanus was the originator of the power that Serenity now used. Since Poseidon couldn't inherit the power himself, he had the Graeae receive it.

 They're related to both him, and Oceanus, therefore related to the Primordial God Pontus. When they had received 'Pontus' Legacy', the Graeae then transferred the power to the Undines during the Draconian War. Giving them the ability to maintain the balance of the planet's currents, and peace.

 As the information flooded Serenity's mind, Oceanus gave them a hard look; "Great. We all know each other.. Now hurry up and eat, and get out." 

 Matt sat up from his spot on the moss bed; "How are we supposed to leave the Deep without Pressure Suits?"