Ying And Yang

 After a bit more banter back and forth, the group made their way through winding tunnels. When she saw crystals poking out of everywhere, Serenity realized that they were already inside of a volcanic tube. The walls were awash with colors, and crystals of all shapes and sizes dotted all around them in clumps.


 The fallen crystals crunched under Oceanus' heavy footfalls, annoying him every time he had to walk down that way. Gemstones could be seen in random pockets as they moved along. The last time he'd gone down that way; he'd gotten a diamond stuck in his foot.

 It had healed instantly, but was still painful. Since he channeled most of his power away from himself, Oceanus was actually quite weak right now. He was still far more powerful than most mortals, but to avoid detection, he'd made himself vulnerable..