Gratitude And A Game

 Click, Clack, Draxzel, and Alina lead them through numerous hallways towards the top of the ship, then stopped in front of some oversized doors. The noises coming from behind it made Selena and Levi nervous, but Matt and Serenity were excited.

 When Click and Clack opened the doors, all of the rulers smiled. Gorgons filled the oversized room with talk, laughs, dancing, and music. As they stepped through the doorway, a long balcony that connected to a large staircase gave them a view of the entire room.

 Looking out into the crowds, the four non-Gorgons were shocked to see they they weren't the only ones. A few Merfolk, Sirens, and Selkies were present, too. Draxzel laughed boisterously when he saw Selena, Matt, and Serenity's expressions of surprise.

 With a wide grin stretched across his face, Draxzel said; "What can I say: our parties are legendary. Everyone in the Aquarian Kingdoms knows to come to us for a good time! Isn't that right?!"