Rightful King


 Neptunis and Rhea had been planned for Matt to be the one to rush in to save the Councilors. At first, they'd thought that catching the Undine Queen was a happy turn of events because they could use her as a hostage. They didn't think that hurting her would change the outcome in any way...

"That was the Last mistake you'll ever make.."

 As Matt's words caused his stomach to clench, Neptunis yelled; "GUARDS! Now!"

 As his voice rang out, two dozen Merfolk Guards swam out of nowhere to swarm the half-dozen soldiers. As they readied themselves for battle, Matt called out; "NO Quarters!"

 With a unanimous spartan grunt from Constantine and his men, they charged the overwhelming numbers with barbarity. Blood seeped out into the water as the best members of the Royal Guard defended the rightful king.