Faith In Us

 Matt was surprised at Serenity's level of insistence, but to be fair; Draxzel had ruined a moment between them. They had been talking about the kind of life they wanted when they returned home.

 Matt was going along with it, but Serenity could tell it was half-heartily. She knew that he still didn't completely believe that they would survive long once they did return to their world; if they ever returned at all. When she asked him what was holding him back from believing, he asked her why it was so important to her that he did believe..

 Serenity sighed deeply; "Because I trust you so much. And if you have serious doubts, then that makes me doubt, which makes me scared.."

 "The only reason I'm capable of doing these Labors in the first place is because I want to get back to our lives. If I doubt we can get home.. I.."