Know Better


*Pictures of Sealife in Comment's Section!*

 As Serenity watched the massive sea iguana's tail swishing by overhead, screams from behind them made them all jump. A Merman was crying out in agony as something in the darkness began to eat him.

 A split second later, a Gorgon started crying out in pain just the same as the Meman.

 Serenity wanted to go in and help, but she was being pushed out by those behind her. As everyone emerged from the cave, blood fill the water inside as the screams stopped..

"What the fuck was that?! The fuck just happened?!" Matt yelled as he pointed his trident at the cave opening.

 "I have no idea, but we shouldn't linger. The smell of blood travels far, and it'll attract other things soon," Levi stated as he stared into the darkness.

 "What's in there? Why aren't we helping them?!" Serenity exclaimed with a panicked edge to her tone.