Her Methods


 Serenity shot up where she slept, startling Matt. He hadn't really slept all night, just nodded off a few times. Every time he had started to dream, it was the same one over and over: Serenity being devoured by what looked like a dragon.

 As she caught her breath, Matt shoved the unpleasant thought aside, and rubbed Serenity's back as he asked what was wrong. She looked at him with wide eyes, then called for Levi and Selena to join them to hear about her dream...

 After Serenity finished her tale, Draxzel shook his head in disbelief; "So the whole reason that we're going through all of this is because the God Atlas is at the core of our planet?! What the Hell kind of a design flaw is that?! And if the Charybdis devours him and breaks the chains, then Gaea and Uranus will be set free?"