Happens For A Reason


 As soon as their eyes had adjusted to the light, Serenity and Matt saw that they had come out inside of the collapsed Merfolk Palace. Thinking about the building's layout, Matt realized that the end of the tunnel led to the hidden passageways. If he had kept exploring, he might've found the exit to the chamber.

 As they knocked the bits of sand and dust from their clothes, Serenity's heart sank as she looked at the destruction around her. The once beautiful city had been reduced to rubble along with the palace. Glancing around, she thought that she saw something move..

 "Do you think there are any survivors? Do you know if they checked before they left?"

 Matt shook his head at Serenity; "No, they didn't have time. But I doubt there would be any, considering that the Sirens will eat anything.. There's probably not a body to be found.."