Heroes’ Farewell(Part Two)

 Selena sobbed as she thought about everything that she and Serenity had been through together. When they had first met, and how scared and confused she had been. The countless hours that she and Levi had spent together teaching and training her..

 She thought about their fight, and dealing with Senator Arlong. Meeting Athena outside of Omorfiá City, and all of the adventures they'd had completing the Labors after the Graeae Sister Deino had showed up at the royal wedding. It had been nearly a full year since Serenity had been with them, but it felt like she had always been with them..

 Now they were gone.

 As the memories flooded her mind, Selena held onto Levi like he was a lifeline. He cried with her, which was something he had only done a handful of times in his life. Mortals felt things much more intensely than gods, or so it felt to him.