Capture: Fading Memories 01

"¿¿¿¿, wake up... oooy we're not done yet"

A faint voice I'd heard, it was like a sound that you can hear if your head was under the water.

So I supposed I was floating under the water, felt the graze of warm water on my skin.

Wait, can people hear underwater?

Can voice passed through the water?

It makes me wonder.

Well whatever, it wasn't like the answer could help me in the future.

Or it could? perhaps there's a probability but who knows—or who cares.

"¿¿¿¿, I said wake up you dummy"

Hmmm? did just now someone called my name?

Or is it just my imagination—no it is just my imagination.

That's because I'd never gave my name to anyone before and I'm sure no one knows my name, even my family. I'd never heard them called my name, perhaps I'll be happy if I heard them said that even once.

But they are the ones who gave me that name, right? my parents.

Right after the baby was born or even before they were born.

So there's no way they didn't know my name—

or they forget it.

The last time I heard them said my same was when I was ten years old, or maybe nine.

Do they even remember my name?

Why do I even saying such a thing?

I felt like I misleading the most important part.

How disgraceful.

Yes, the most important part.

I died again.

I died again—for the third time.

Maybe by the time I opened my eyes once again on that rooftop and met her, I could save her in this life.

In my third life—or so I thought but I felt no signs that I'll revive again.


Revive? sounds cool just like the superheroes in the comics! what was the name of the studio again? Carvel? Numbel? Bumbel?

Why I am uttering such nonsense things.

Just like a superhero but I couldn't save her and let her died again, how could I say that I am like a superhero.

A seventeen years old student talked about superheroes and such, what am I? a child?

I felt like I kept jumping from a topic to another one, am I really this talkative?

I have no memories that I became like that—

"I said wake up, ¿¿¿¿"

There it was again, someone called my name. A girl calling my name—it was like a girl's voice so I'll just assume that it came from a girl.

But how did she know my name?

No one knows my name.

Even I—myself.

Don't want to know my name.

As I opened my eyes there was an unfamiliar sight in front of me. It wasn't the rooftop, there was no vast sky nor the cold wind, just a table, and I was sitting on a chair with a pile of books and notes in front of me.

A few more tables lined up at my back.

Tall wooden bookshelves fixed on the walls and there were small ones in the middle of the room.

I could smell the scent of dust came from those thick books.

And I heard nothing but silence.

Indeed, I was in a place called the library, it was my first time to be in one.

I have no affinity for reading books and it was not like I was a nerdy type of person that's was why I've never been to a library before.

The color of my world? it was still like before, black, white and a shade of gray there's nothing change on it, still dead as ever.

But why do I woke up in the library?

Am I supposed to wake up on the rooftop just like what happened—the first time that I came back to life?

The silence of this room made my world duller than before, maybe I should go hom—

As I stood up from my seat, a hand grasped my wrist. A girl—no, not just a simple girl.

A pair of Sapphire blue eyes.

Hana Lara was on the other side of the table stopping me from leaving the table.

"Where do you think you're going? you just woke up from dozing off and now you were leaving? you're the worst! after I had trouble tutoring you for today"


That's right, I had her helped me to study for the incoming exam.

Or did I?

My memories became fuzzy why do I even here in the first place?

She died.

We died.

Is that all in my dreams? no... I felt like my memories were being altered.


I remember that she died from falling on the roof and I died from being struck by a truck.

I remember that someone struck a large stone on the back of my head and she... Hana Lara was...

Did that all happened?

Did that all really happened?

Or it's just a dream.

I couldn't recall how I met Hana Lara in this worl—I met her on the rooftop, just like how I met her before.

I was standing on the edge of the rooftop when she approached me, asking me if I want to run away with her or if I want to commit double suicide with he—asking me if I am okay.

I was standing on the rooftop when she approached me and asked if I was okay at that time.

What? I couldn't understand.

My memory was telling me that she asked me if I was okay, after that we became friends. But I know that wasn't the question she asked, I feel it.

But I couldn't remember.

I couldn't remember but I know.

Did I make any sense?

"oooy, you're zoning out again, what's with you today?... you're acting a bit strange?" catching my attention, she waved her hand in front of my face.

"N-no I'm okay, more importantly, we should finish studying before the day ends" my mouth moves on its own, I unconsciously said those words to her and sat down on the chair in front of her.

"Came from the one who dozed off earlier, If I weren't here for sure you will repeat another year, so be thankful that I'll help you study" she landed her hand on my forehead with a chop. "I couldn't afford to let my friend repeat another year, you know" she mumbled.

I see that's why we were here at the library, I was on the verge of repeating a year if I messed up my grades again.

But what was this feeling?

I felt like I forgot something, Did I forget to bring my eraser with me? no, it was here, I was holding it.

Then what was the thing that I forgot?

It's strange.