Chapter 4

Ann took another bite of the hot crunchy biscuit, cook had bake for the evening, she adjusted her chair as she opened her book to continue reading. She had done her duties for the evening and was enjoying the senery of her newly found favorite spot at the rose garden, she was told that lady Arnold had planted it when she first got married into the Arnold household, there were about 5 different colours of roses, and they were planted in a way that each shade stood at it's own patch, there was also a well trimmed apple tree at each side, and a water fountain at the middle, Ann thought it look magical especially during sunsets. She had bearly finish reading a complete paragraph when she heard footsteps behind her, she turned around to see Lord Richard standing at the door with folded arms. He smiled when they locked eyes and strolled over.

"There goes my peaceful evening"she murmured taking a bite of her biscuit and pretending to read.

"Miss Ann" he said, when he got to where she sat.

"Good evening Lord Richard" she said standing up to bow.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"No....I just...." She stammered.

"Oh there's no need for such pleasantries"he said shrugging his shoulder.

"As you wish" she said sitting.

"it's such a lovely evening, may I join you?"he asked.

"Of cause yes, you can take my chair I'll sit on the blanket"she said standing up.

"Or we could both sit on the blanket"he suggested smirking.

" I'll sit on the chair"she said quickly.

" Would you like some biscuits?" she asked.

" Yes please, thanks" he said as she passed the tray of biscuit.

" Still reading lady winterham" he asked giving the book a quick glance.

"Yes" she said.

"So what page are you"he asked.

"Page 3" she replied smiling.

"You haven't gotten far" he said.

"I'm afraid I haven't, since you are always around me"she drawled opening the book.

"You have quite the mouth for a companion" he said grinning.

"Oh.... I'm soo...." she smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry?.....please don't be,I like you that" he said waving his hand.

"So what your story" he asked.

"Story?"she asked raising a confused brow.

"Well you seem like a well bred lady"he said.

"Oh nothing too dramatic..... I lost my father" she said.

" deepest condolences"he said with genuine sympathy written all over him.

"I don't find it so painful...sad yes, but painful..."she replied shaking her head.

"Oh" he said. There was silence....more silence, and then.

"Sooooo.....what the book about"he asked trying to stir the mood by annoying her.

"As I said my Lord I'm in page 3, but if you are so interested, I found another volume in the library, I can go and bring it"she smiled.

"I'm not a fan of books, to be precise I can hardly read one page without dozing off" he said surprised at how freely he had mentioned it.

"Well.... that's interesting"she said and went back to the book again....'miss winterham turned around and saw the window shaking'.....she read for the fourth time.

"Your book is upside down" he said.

"Hmm?!" she asked turning the book to see, she looked up to see him grinning.

"It not" she said pinching herself for falling a bait.

"It still shows you're not reading"he choked.

"I was though" she said keeping the book, as it didn't seem wise to keep deceiving herself.

"You didn't go for the ball?" She asked.

"No"he answered.

"Why?"she asked.

"I needed to finish some business and Savour this view in peace"he replied.

"Ah right.... the responsibilities of an heir"she said nodding.

"You didn't think been an heir is only about privileges, did you?"her asked.

"Of cause not" she said.

"It's just..... most Young heir I know don't spend so much time doing as much" she added.

"Not all though, most of my aquintance perform their duties" he said.

She remembered the one heir she had been close enough to know and frowned, shaking her head as if to dust off the depressing thought, she looked up and he was smiling.

"do you come here frequently?"she asked.

"Yes, when I'm in clear my head" he said still smiling.

"What?" She asked.

He raised one eyebrow in question.

"you kept I was wondering what is so amusing? She said.

"We are together in the garden" he replied.

"So?"she asked.

"My family have this believe that any couple that happen to meet in the garden, are fated together"he answered.

"why such superstitious belief?"she asked laughing.

"I can't answer that, but so far it works, my grandparents met here, my parents met here and surprising enough, my sister met her husband here"he replied.

"Oh"she blinked.

"Hard to believe right"he smirked.

"Well it's quite fortunate for us"she said grinning.

"Why... is that a proposal miss Ann"he asked grinning.

"No silly....we won't be getting married, therefore we might help in breaking such ludicrous curse or blessing" she said feigning pride.

"You want to break a blessing? are so unbelievable"he choked.

"What can I say?" She laughed.

"Oh never seize to amaze me" he said grinning.

"I can't help it"she said still grinning.

"Lord Richard...."she warned suddenly frowing.

"What?" He asked feigning innocence.

"I don't remember permitting you to use my given name" she replied.

"You didn't?" He frowned.

"You know I did not" she answered.

"Well....I can't seem to wash off the feeling that you did" he grinned.

"Oh....stop the act, you are very poor at it" she replied waving him off.

"Since we are already on it, why don't we just go on" he smiled.

"We?" She asked adding a wealth of meaning to the word.

"I mean can call me Richard" he said ".....while we are alone, although I find no offense with you calling me as much in public" he added.

"And if I refuse" she ask.

"It might be very disturbing for me, but I'll keep calling you Ann"he said.

"Hmmm" she said.

" friends call each other by their given names" he said matter of factly.

"And who said we are friends"she scoffed.

"Oh, don't nag me about that too"he winced.

"And why should I not?"she asked folding her arms.

"I have only one friend around here, and he has already been sagged into marriage by my sister, it too hard to see him as frequently as I see you"he smiled.

"Well you should not have to make friends with your mother's companion"she said.

"I know where this is going to Ann, and I promise we would be only friends" he said "except if you decide to change your mind"he added just to spite her.

"So you don't like reading" she asked resigned.

"I find it quite difficult a task"he replied feeling as though he had won an important bet.

"But you do read"she said.

"Occasionally... when it desperately call for it"he shrugged.

"Why?"she asked annoyed by her excessive nosiness.

"Well...I'm not sure you will understand but when I hold a paper the words don't seem to focus.....and I have to work harder in placing them"he shrugged.

"Have you considered getting a spectacle?"she asked.

"No...surprisingly enough,I had gotten so used to it, I didn't even considered that" he replied surprised by himself, most people just left it when he said he didn't like reading, and by most people he meant his family and a few close friends, no one had asked why? not to talk of bringing up a solution.

"Well I think you should"she said.

"Thanks I'll consider doing that" he said smiling. 

They stayed in a comfortable silence until they heard the Arnold carriage roll up the driveway. Ann excuse herself to prepare for the night, and Richard went into his study to check the ledger, and go through the last few months accounts details.

.....i hope you enjoyed it..... thank you for reading pls like and comment to air out your opinions.