Noah, on his way back to the cage, made a detour to the convenience store to buy a blonde temporary hair dye, and then a black hair dye. He intends to go to the party looking different. All he needs is just two or three buyers.

The rest will fall in place after that, he was that confident in the drugs that Fabian provided for him.

To many, this might be too much, but for Noah, it was just right.

Noah didn't know how rich druggies react to new dealers, he was hoping that they would be at least loyal customers. Wanting to know the consumers' behavior toward his goods is one of the most important steps to making sure that he does a good and amicable business in the university.

He proceeded to take a shower before applying the temporary hair dye to his hair. Noah decided to wear a simple and bland color, black. He picked a black hoodie and jeans, a face cap, and a face mask.

Even if he had taken measures by dyeing his hair blonde, he didn't feel alright until he added these.

The next problem that had been troubling his mind is how he was going to introduce the drug in the party without exposing himself per se.

If it was back at home, in the streets where he grew up – it was much easier to sell drugs. All he needed to do was to dress and look suspicious by the side of the road. When you get approached by anyone, you offer to sell them candy.

That was how he got buyers back at home.

"I won't know until I actually attempt it, haa." Noah sighed.

Noah left his dormitory and made his way towards the location of the party. After making inquiries, Noah arrived at an estate where, supposedly, the party is happening. This estate is still within the territory of La Scala, but it is not a property owned by the university.

Before he could get into the estate, he had to show his ID card and also the invite that he received. This estate is clearly not like the average ones that Noah had been to or come across. Just like everything that he had encountered in La Scala, they were all high-end.

It took some time before Noah was able to make his way to the venue of the party. Standing impressively, on a spacious hill in front of Noah is a duplex that resembled the type of structures that you would see on an Instagram page. Those pages advertised places to spend a luxurious vacation.

"Whoa, it is… impressive. Some people really know how to spend their money." He commented in awe of the building.

'I should add this to the list of things that I should do for mom when I get rich.' He thought.

Approaching the building, Noah began hearing the faint sound of the loud music that was coming from within the duplex. As he got closer to the building, the music got louder and he could see more people around.

Either they were drinking with friends and playing a game, or they were doing that and also making out with their boyfriends and girlfriends. Most of the females were in their swimsuits and many of the males were topless, flexing their muscles for any hungry girl to take the bait.

Noah noticed that even as he was cladded in a hoodie, face cap, and a face mask, he didn't drag any attention. Or more accurately, he wasn't suspicious to them. Either that or they just didn't give a fuck.

Noah was somewhat relieved to see this, but also a bit displeased. He needed to garner a little bit of attention.

"Let's head inside first, maybe then someone will pay attention to my presence."

Noah walked into the building and the music got as loud as it could be. The people inside the duplex were even more shameless than those outside. Some naked people were walking around in the house.

"This is more like a strip club," Noah muttered.

"Chug!!! Chug!!" A cheer came from a part of the house.

'Sounds like they are doing some kind of challenge.'

Noah went to the place where he could hear the cheer come from.

It was quite a hassle for him because he had to navigate through the crowd. By the time he got closer to the front to see who they were cheering for, they were already done drinking.

"I won!!! Ahhh!!" A short, blonde-haired guy screamed out. His face was rosy and his eyes hazy from drinking.

'Not all alcoholics are stoners or people that like to do coke, but it won't hurt to try selling to this guy.' Noah thought as he watched the blonde hair guy stagger and try to carry himself to a chair by the dining table.

As he staggered, the crowd "Whoa-ed" whenever he was about to fall to the floor. When he finally reached the chair and sat down, the crowd still cheered for him.

His competitors had already passed out on the floor, drunk. 'I could try selling it to them too… that is when they are somewhat sober or awake.' He concluded.

Noah found himself a soda to drink while he passed his time in the kitchen of the house. He sat down watching people come in and leave, drunk people dancing like they had no ounce of dignity left.

They had left a bottle of water beside the passed-out drunk guys on the floor and the blonde hair guy that won their drinking competition.

After an hour or so, after the blonde guy had finished his third bottle of water, sobriety dawned upon him.

While he was drunk, he noticed that Noah had been staring at him but said nothing because he thought that it was just the alcohol. Now that he was sober, he was sure that Noah had been looking at him.

A suspicious person looking at you will surely garner your attention.

"Hey pervert, what are you looking at me for?" The blonde guy asked rather aggressively. He had a light Scottish accent that flowed smoothly, off his tongue.

Noah stood where he was and acted as if he wasn't the one that the blonde guy was speaking to.

"Aooii!! Are you deaf? What are looking at me for?"

The blonde guy's voice attracted some attention over to him and Noah.

Noah shook his head, deciding to leave the area and come back when everything had calmed down. Dragging attention to himself wasn't a good thing.

"What's wrong Douglas? I could hear your voice from afar." A shirtless, tanned guy came to the blonde guy's side.

"That cunt over there has been looking at me for over an hour." Douglas, the blonde guy, pointed at the now leaving Noah.

Clearly, the shirtless friend of Douglas was also intoxicated. He quickly went over to block Noah's way.

"Hey! My bro says that you have been staring at him for a while. Do you have some kind of problem with him?"

Noah shook his head. He chose not to speak.

"If you have no issues with him then why were you looking at him? Are you some kind of stalker?" Being barged with questions like this, Noah wanted to leave the area quickly.

"Come to think of it, the way you are dressed looks suspicious. Show me your invitation card." Douglas arrived beside his friend and demanded.

"That's true, who would invite a weirdo like this?" A girl that was paying attention to them muttered rather loudly. This caught the attention of many more people, making Noah a bit nervous.

Noah complied and brought out his invitation card from within his pocket. Seeing the invitation card in Noah's hand, most of the people that were paying attention to them felt relief wash over them.

It was nice to know that he wasn't an intruder that was possibly there to rob them of what they had with them.

"This still doesn't prove that you were invited here. You might have stolen this from someone." Douglas stated.

"Who is your father, what does your family do or own?" The shirtless guy asked.

"My father? Don't have one…" Noah answered nonchalantly.

"How did someone like you get this invitation card?" Douglas answered. Noah's remark did infuriate Douglas and his friend.

"I don't see how that's your business. I got the invitation regardless."

"Remove your disguise and let us see your face." Douglas stretched his hand out and tried to remove the face mask on Noah's face.

Possessing quick reflex ability, Noah shifted to the side, dodging his hand, and said. "I'd rather not have you touching me." He uttered, trying to make it sound like a threat — which it is.

"And we'd rather not have you here in the party!" Douglas replied.

"Yeah, leave. Someone like you isn't welcomed here." The shirtless guy mentioned.

'Someone, like me? Indeed, I just have to find out a different way to start selling.' Noah reasoned.

"Let's escort him out of the premises," Douglas suggested with a wicked smile on his face. He definitely had another intention apart from escorting Noah out of the house.

Noah was about to tell them that there wasn't any need for that, however, he held his tongue when he saw the captain of the football team looking at him like he recognized him.

Immediately, he forced his way out of the room and made his way to the exit of the duplex. Behind him were Douglas and his shirtless friend.

'If these two try anything funny, then…' Noah paused his thoughts as an idea hit him.

'If they do try anything funny, I could beat them up, then ask them if they do drugs. Or better, I could ask them to give me information about people in the party that do drugs. Please, do come after me and make this easier for me.' Noah flashed a wicked grin under his face mask…