The Culling

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the moment you've all been waiting for has finally come!"

"The glorious battle of the ten domains to showcase their skills and superiority. The battle for Garden of Eden!"


Loud echoes of cheers could be heard from every domain except the void. The ground rumbled from the commotion and liveliness, with each domain placing bets, making merry and, taking a day off…except for the Void. It was an exciting and entertaining day, one which would begin a month-long show that would leave everyone on edge as they watched the fights unfold…except for the Void.

"Right now all of our contestants are being transported to the Mercury station. All the events before the transport will be broadcasted through the Odd Balls."

"Remember folks! To remove possible instances of cheating, the feed from this day's events will be shown in an instant replay the following day." Our dear titans may set up traps and make preparations and by broadcasting these, we'd be giving their enemies a heads up on what to except."

"But don't be disappointed! Your announcers slash hosts are here to bring you all the juicy updates while the live feed is off!"

"Again we are Quinn and Kaguya! Wishing you all a happy viewing and May chaos flow in your favor!"

Mercury is a facility that works the same way as the Sanctuary. Within it, nobody can use their powers and there is a special non-violence barrier. Shielding anyone from potential damage. The kings and queens together with their titans are given a one-time transport there. This is through runes which, has the same structure as the teleportation runes used to enter the area of the Culling.

Just like everything else which they could not explain, the people simply believed that it was some sort of ancient mechanism provided by the gods. This was one of the primary reason why the Culling continued strongly until that very day. Because the very competition itself was seen as divine.

"Let's welcome the reigning champions! Dominating two consecutive years of the Culling with their feisty, overwhelming, unconquerable flames. Will they reign supreme once again or will another Domain rise to the challenge?" The red runes on Mercury began lighting up.

"Please welcome THE FLAME DOMAIIIIN!"

King Nova appeared with his five titans, all wearing a red cloak with the insignia of flames on the top left corner of it. With golden linings that symbolized their place as champions.

"Just like the past two years, king Nova has once again placed his own child in the Culling!"

"Right indeed! Prince Blaze Inferno is the youngest of the siblings and the last of the bloodline."

The hosts were not allowed to take sides with their comments. Although they had specific domains, they had the role of staying neutral and, by going against this, hosts were usually assassinated and killed. That's why they didn't mention how it was probably another guaranteed victory for the Fire Domain. All because another child of the king participated.

"The second team is about to arrive! Let's welcome the first runner up from last year!"

One by one the groups were introduced. Within Mercury, the titans were giving competitive glares at each other. Showing every intent to kill their opponents merely with their aura. The rule of the jungle was working on them, where only the fittest could survive.

Yet all of them were waiting for someone else. They waited for the last transportation. The one which would bring the foolish King Jubilee and his titans to Mercury.

"With that we have finished introducing the whole competition!"

"Quinn there's one more domain did you forget again?" Kaguya sarcastically said.

"Do we? My memory clearly remembers nine competitive domains."

Just like every year, the Void was subjected to the mockery of the nine domains. They were seen as the inferior race and, because they had no powers nor got out of the last place even once, they were easily bullied even by the hosts who were supposed to remain indifferent.

"Ahh right we have ten domains! Well, why don't we welcome them!" Quinn said as the transport runes began to glow.

"The last and final contenders!"

"From the Void Domain!"

"Please welcome King Jubilee and – " The announcers couldn't finish their words. They couldn't' believe their eyes and, Even those within Mercury had their eyes widen from shock.

"T-two titans?"

Solomon and Alice stood with their big camping bags carried behind their backs. They wore black cloaks and. hid their faces with the ceremonial masks given to the titans of the Void.

"Partner what do you make of this?" Kaguya asked.

"I have no idea partner but, I believe the monarchs are just as shocked." Quinn mentioned, seeing at least five rulers shouting at King Jubilee.

"Are you mocking us? What the hell are those!"

"Oh them? They're my titans of course." The Void king made a carefree smile.

"Don't screw with me Jubilee!" Nova was about to approach him, gripping his sword tightly. Yet, another shocking event happened.

The sword of the king flew away from his hand. A black robe covered his vision and, as soon as this was cleared, he saw a dagger pointed at him. It was Alice.

"What insolence is this!"

"I keep reminding you to know your place on areas like this. You can't even grip your sword properly." Other rulers and titans began giggling, infuriating Nova even more.

"Well don't just stand there! Help your king!" Nova commanded his titans. Yet, as soon as they tried stepping in, Sol gunned them down. Giving one accurate shot per titan. It was deflected by their barriers of course. But the shock was enough to make them back away – leaving their king to the threats of the young girl.

"Guns? You brought guns in the culling?" Nova furthered.

"Why? Is it not allowed? Any weapon can be used right?" King Jubilee had a huge grin on his face. At this point King Reckon finally entered to diffuse the tension.

"Jubilee have you gone mad? Make your titan lower his weapon!"

"It's a she actually."

"That's not the point!"

"What is the point then? That you like referring to me as a mad king? That you think of my people as an inferior species? Let's make one thing clear old man." King Jubilee looked at the Odd Ball within Mercury.

"My dear Void Domain! We have been ridiculed and mocked for too long. We have been subjected to the cruelest and most unfair of treatments! Placing us on the same level as the bugs and rodents we eat in order to survive!" Anyone who tried moving got shot by Sol.

"All these years they have scorned us but not today! Today I ask you to watch closely. To pay attention to every event that will unfold from this day forth Because once and for all we will show which Domain stands at the top of all others!" Alice backed away.

Without the other domains realizing it, the time for transportation was finally active. And because they couldn't react on time, Sol and Alice have taken their first objective. Glowing with runes as the Void Domain was the first to enter the stage of the Culling.

"Make no mistake! The domain which will come out on top is none other than the Void!"