The Chaos III

[Ten days before the prison incident. Sol is partially recovered.]

"My liege, I have a question."

"What is it Sol?"

The two wielders of [S.W.] were within Pandora's core. The king was busy making some final adjustments on new machines; assisted by none other than Lilia. 

"It's about the use of my powers." 

"What about it?" The king asked, still focused on his work as he grabbed a lightning core.

"I feel like there's something wrong with it."

"What do you mean?"

"It lacks firepower my liege. I've been testing it out on Pandora's box but, the output I displayed on my fight against Blaze…I couldn't muster that much firepower anymore."

The king looked at Solomon from head to toe. His [Analysis] was working at that time. Enabling him to see past Sol's skin. Diagnosing what was happening to him.

"Yup. I knew it, my hunch was right." King Jubilee said as he finally gave his full attention to the boy.