The sound of continuous release of bullets broke the silence of the forest. Forcing the birds nesting on the trees to fly away, meeting Solomon who was floating just above the height of the trees. He then looked at what Cain was firing at and, sure enough, there was an elemental affinity to the bulls they were to face.
Although hit by a torrent of bullets, the bulls continued charging in. This is due to the armor they had above their skin – rocks. This is actually a part of an extra layer of skin, making the bullets seem like nothing but flies hitting them.
However, even this sturdiness wasn't absolute. The rock bulls weren't invincible and, just like any other form of defense, the layer of rock had a limit. This was put to the test by Cain's bullets which fired within a [0.01] second interval per bullet.
With this, the armor of the bulls were chipped away rapidly. Something which also began slowing them down which was also part of Sol's expectations.