"DAMMIT!" Julia trashed the room. All the books were thrown out of the shelves. A bunch of vase shards lay on a wet floor, with a set of flowers being included. The table and chairs got caught up in her rage as well.
Meanwhile Luz and Olivia were just staring at her from the door of the room. They knew what happens to those who tries reasoning with Julia when she's angry. And they didn't want to be the persons on its receiving end.
That's why they just waited until she exhausted herself. Impressed by the whole thirty minutes of her, continuously cursing and screaming. Something which only stopped when there was nothing to break anymore. With this, she finally sat on a bookshelf lying on the ground.
Her hair was a complete mess. Her brows still furrowed. Sweat ran all around her face and drenched her clothes all the same. Her breathing was still paced but, she was nevertheless on a better state compared to when she started her tantrums.