Dammit Don don.

I contemplating his words felt a little Ting in my chest?

I looked at him before I spoke.

" But our mother was a beast kin!

how could I make my kin do my bidding.

Like some slave?!"

He didn't turn around or Stop as he answered.

" You are kin of the beasts, that does not make you one brother!"

He stood Still for a second his head held high as he Put his nose to the sky.

" And just because you companion a beast kin does not make you a monster, I know you would treat them like family.

But tis us beasts that Claim Gowns."

I was lost at his last words?!

" Claim Gowns?!"

He Began to run Once more as we cleared the Forest Leading us right back to this clearing in the middle of the trees.

I saw the building from a different view as the large stable and Shed were clear, I saw the workshop that was outside and the table I had set the package on.

We walked to that table and grabbed the package The entire time I was thinking about my situation.

He spoke gently.

" Claiming a Gown from a human allows us beasts to train faster.

One master is all we need to reach a pinnacle of Our power.

The gowns of ones soul Cloaks our soul and drenched our soul in energies.

Although we do the same for the Human Our claim Is much more beneficial in the companionship.

I looked down as I held the package.

I just stared at his fur...

I then asked.

" What about you?

Would you take a master?!"

He sped through the forest once more thinking of his answer.

He looked ahead of himself before finally answering.

" No brother, I am different.

I am blessed with The Familia name Silver.

And I am blessed with a bloodline of the LUNAMORA."

His Body tensed up as he Decided to finish his answer.

" I Can not Be mastered, But will always be loyal to the family.

We are blood, Even if we do not hunt together.

We hunt under one Moon As family.

We do not betray family!"

I felt his anger When he said the last statement and I felt like there was more than he was saying but he didn't want to Worry me...

we met back with the old timer who was still standing frozen in his spot, It seems He stunned for ten minutes and it could possibly be longer.

Is he a lizard with a freeze Reflex from seeing a dangerous beast?

I turned to my brother and said to him in our tongue.

" We Will definitely Be able to have a place of our own.

We hunt under one Moon Marked by Blood!

For the pack, Family first!"

He bowed to me as he left me alone with the man.

He disappeared But He had a happy feeling about him I felt his mood lighten and I told him Mentally.

~" Brother I will take you up on that offer."~

He didn't answer me back but I know he heard me.

I just continued on with my current job.

First I had to unfreeze my new boss?!

I walked next to him and on his Stomach Slapped as hard as I could.

Surprisingly instead of a chubbie Wiggle I hit him and heard a ting like I hit metal.

He didn't budge and my hand felt like I broke it.

I stepped back and looked him dead in his frozen eyes.

I spoke calmly and made sure to reiterate three times.

I drew my leg back and released it like an arrow.


It landed and made a Clang sound once again my toes stung but I knew I got results.

His eyes went dark and I heard a small squeak.

" My jublees, My Gems!

How dare you Nutter knock me!

These are a man's precious Jewels!

How am I to have kids!

if you Kick Them off, I can no longer Be a man!"

His Head shook and his body shivered.

He recovered from his pain after about three minutes and discovered his package sitting on the ground next to him.

I spoke up as he was thinking.

" My pack leader offered his help and was able to get it done quickly... Or semi quickly at the least."

He looked at me before his eyes went dark.

"Kid. I cannot have you at my stable."

I looked him up and down before I could realize my mistake I spoke.

"Why Don't you house beasts?

What would be wrong with one extra, I'll Pay rent?!"

He picked up the box before saying his peace.

" I couldn't afford to offend you...

I am already as poor as I can be, This Place doesn't have many tamer Class cultivators.

But Those that do come through would Try to obtain or offend you.

If that happens and you went on a rampage I would be liable!"

I could not't help it as I burst in to laughter!

" I am not a beast in DiaForm.

I am a just a child Who's Gotten lucky With his Family.

That was my Younger brother.

The pack leader.

I also have elves In my Familia, But that does not mean I am an elf.

I am simply blessed, I am weft Within the name silver.

Although It is my Familia name that binds us, they are only bound by name.

Eventually those ties will break and all that I have woven will untangle."

He listened to me with clear eyes.

He walked to me and patted my shoulder.

" I do not know the circumstances but I do understand the pain.

But that doesn't mean I am Able."

I understood his point and I didn't fret i just grabbed the package from his hands and said.

" let's me finish this job and maybe I can keep that.

Everything else will figure its self out later.

Not like I need to sleep right now."

He shook his head at me.

" Nope, But the medical treatment is going to eat your pay for this errand.

Even with this job you will need to find another job, The medic in the treatment center is not very forgiving.

She charges interest for those who don't pay on time or In the appointed time."

I looked at him before he told me.

"if worst comes to worst she takes back her curing..."

I shivered at his words.

He waved his hand making me flinch as he explained.

" Okay Sir, This is the city of Veil.

We are the third largest city South of The core empire Nemorinsis."

"We are not marked with the stamp of an empire although we pay taxpayers rates.

As such the Loss of Power makes Martial hall and The tamer Guild complacent.

They Do not offer us help.

The adventurers guild has been helping but that is only for personal gain.

One has to pay for treatment and also for everything else along with Taxes of the city.

Since we are not help we generate our own."

He explained everything to me calmly as we walked through the city.

It was a simple city.

Nope thats a lie this city is like a metropolis!

Flying cars, tall buildings, No clutter, Traffic on the ground, Foot traffic, Food stalls, Tinketry stalls, And even more.

I was just awe struck!

It was like my old world except the technology and Mannatech is way better.

I saw an actual star ship, Like it was parked in front of me at a dock on the side of a building.

I was able to see others but the ships color drew me in, The gorgeous orange and the vibrant Purple was eye popping.

It made you look.

The boss chuckled at me.

" If this is impressive to you, Wait until you see medical center.

The repair beds are to die for, Unluckily though only certified Medical Guild attendants can use it.

They are only issued to them And the Can only be used by them.

The medical guild implants a Serial chip Into the skull and only the medic that is assigned to that Unit can use it."

I looked at him in confusion But was still excited none the less!!

We followed the Instructional plaques.

They explained the direction and color coordination of buildings they also had a Memory key for buildings.

There was smaller signs with the symbol of the shop you wanted.

Like the Smith was a hammer and quil, The armor and clothing shop was a shirt and Pants, The Medical center which was what we followed was a black Plaque with a white cross.

Sometimes it was opposite but those seemed to indicate distance?!

Anytime The color was reversed it appearantly meant that There was medical treatment Kiosk there.

They didn't heal one's wounds they just administered A wound closing kits for those with a regenerative gene.

Although it came at a steep price of ten thousand gold?!

I was allowed to check It and I saw a few other items But I didn't get an explanation.

We went the rest of the way Without issue even though I went ooh and aahh the entire time.

The place was so advanced, And yet They have empires and kingdoms?!

Space ships And the space ships !!!!

That means they have space travel and Planets to travel too!

Let me say this now if I get to a ship I want all my crew Mates, To Say "Aye Captain"!

I am certainly gonna need a Captain like Catch phrase!

In my Mind and day dreams We completed our walk.

The boss stopped and pointed.

" That is the place you enter, When you are done follow the markers Until you find the Resource Market.

I'll be there In the Ale corner."

I looked at him and his face looked a bit sad he turned and slumped over as he walked away.

Behind me I heard a loud voice break the silence.

" Dammit Don Don!"

That was closely followed by the sound of a smack.

I turned just in time to see him fall to his knees.

His tears Began To roll and her eyes had nothing but contempt and anger.

I was wondering about her when she looked me in the eyes and said.

" What is this another child From another winch!"

She went to walk past him As she raised her hand.

Before I felt her hand touch me, I heard a swoosh.

When I opened my eyes I saw a girl.

She Who was just a bit taller than Me was holding The ladies hand.

She scowled and the little girl Didn't flinch.

" Leave him alone mother, You are the one Who cheated.

He overlooked it and You give him shade for finding love elsewhere?

You are petty mother.

He is not yours and you have ruined his New chance at love!

leave him be And go Bother one of the many other Rich men That You foul your Reputation with! "

The woman Sputtered a few times before huffing and leaving.

I saw the Boss get up leaving the package on the ground he just walked away...

Me nor the girl stopped him she just shouted.

" Don't drown, I need you alive tomorrow morning.

Or we will go broke for sure!"

She spun around and giggled at me.

she looked down at me and I could feel the pressure as she was talking to me.

" So are you my Sibling...

also trying to claim Some Income from Father?

If so, I got bad new Poor old papa Don is broke!

You can leave Now!"

She walked past me and added.

" Ha To bad you were not a few weeks sooner, Mother already took father's fortune...

only thing we got is A failing stable."

She smacked my bad and I fell to the ground the Pain from Turns out it was bad enough and she was strong for a little girl?!!

I passed out feeling the pain in my back and face that smacked the ground.