Worse than Death(2)

Hicka produced a heart-wrenching screech that made everyone's scalp tingle in dread. However the main source of their terror wasn't his screaming but the scene that unfolded afterwards. 

His hair started to fall, and in no time, he became bald without a single hair in his head. Even whiskers fell like a plant that caught a plague. But the terror had just begun—black mote surfaced on his skin and spreaded over his body, covering his entire being in black specks. 

As the process continued, Hicka's howls grew ceaselessly; one could not envisage what kind of pain he must be going through to scream like this horrendously. His voice turned hoarse and croaky, his flapping and fumbling and quivering body started to lose its strength. In the end he could only twitch, but not move.