Perpetrator, or a Loving Husband?

Elora took a deep breath and glanced at the woman. "Your son was poisoned."

"Wha.." the woman turned pale hearing her words. "How could this be?!"

"Though I don't know what kind of poison it was, as I don't have any knowledge of poisons." She sighed and said. "But I can assure you that your son was poisoned." She lifted her right hand and showed it to everyone. Kadyn's face turned pale when he saw her palm. "What is that?" 

The centre of her palm had been turned completely blue. But when he looked carefully he realised that the mark was shrinking continuously and a blue gas dispelled from it, fading into thin air. 

Elora glanced at her palm and replied. "This is the poison that I have extracted from that kid's body."