Summoning Element


Kadyn peered into a distance and saw a man and a woman were fighting in the sky. Spell after the spell was cast, neither of them wanted to give a chance to the other. The man was covered in an armour of wood and leaves and his hands were longer than ten meters, waving like the branches of a tree while where the woman stood, the area was completely dark, darker than the darkness of night. She was also covered in black armour and her red hair danced like the tentacles of medusa. Both of them were the Rank 3 mages.


A spell landed about one meter away from Kadyn and he was pushed back by the impact. His body was covered in wounds and dirt and blood, though it was hard to tell if the blood was his or someone else's. Khrom who was standing behind supported him with his hands. Kadyn nodded and looked in front of him at the attackers. Six vampires were standing. Though they were just Rank 1, their number was greater than his group.