Clover Square

Kadyn looked at the man and nodded before taking out the crystal ball. "Yes. It is a Rank 2 elemental essence which could increase the attack power of water spells by 50%."

"Oh," Omm's eyes shone with interest when he heard his words. Kadyn passed the crystal ball to the manager to check the elemental essence.

Inside the crystal ball was a blue python that from time to time would disappear as if turning into the water itself.

"It is indeed the Rank 2 elemental essence," nodded Omm, as he passed the crystal ball back to Kadyn, though there was some reluctance in his eyes, Kadyn acted as if he didn't see it, and put the ball inside pocket. Omm eyed him and asked. "Would you like to sell it to me, or you want to auction it?"

Kadyn thought briefly before asking. "When will the next auction be?"

"Day after tomorrow."