Got to make you leave

Magnus and Sandor's spell casting speed was eye-popping, people could see only their shadows and occasional thunderous collisions, and whenever they slammed into each other, the ground would sink and vegetation would vanish, and the pouring water would come down to fill them, forming puddles here and there.

 "You have reached Mature Rank, huh?" Sandor narrowed his eyes when he couldn't take any advantage in the battle against Magnus, but then he sneered. "So what if you can fight me? You won't be able to defeat me that easily, and even if you did…" he said as they continued to cast spell after spell on each other, "...even if you did, so what? Could those people hold that long? Although their number is greater, the strength of my people far surpassed theirs. As time passes, their number would start to decrease. Don't you want to save them, Magnus?"