Curing the Emperor(2)

Kadyn poured the poison inside the emperor's mouth and used his Spiritual Energy to drive it towards the Nightmare poison. The emperor groaned and his body trembled in pain. The trio looked tense as Kadyn continued to close his eyes. The beads of sweat started to gather on his forehead.

The blue color deepened on the emperor's face. Hayla and others clenched their teeth, suppressing their urge to rush and stop Kadyn. However, as the time passed the blueness on 'his' face started to wane. The trio's eyes lit up, exchanging anticipated glances.

It took around half an hour before Kadyn retracted his hand from the emperor's head. He fell on his butt, wiping the sheen of sweat from his temple. He looked at the siblings behind him and a smile appeared on his face. "It's done," he said.