Death Valley(1)

Death Valley was on Ivrora Continent. Similar to the Eozen Continent, it was also highly populated by humans, but a few other races also lived. Though Death Valley covered about 4th of the entire continent, so one could say that they were its ultimate rulers. 

  Some people claimed that the valley had many rank 6 mages, however, they lived at the center of the Death Valley. While at the outskirts of the valley, there were many sinister spirits and lich and other creatures roaming. Though from time to time many necromancer apprentices would come to capture humans for their experiments. That was one of the biggest threats in Death Valley, even bigger than vengeful spirits or roaming liches.

However, the valley was filled with riches—so people still took their chances to adventure inside. Though many of their companions would be left behind, turning into one of those sinister beings, but human greed knows no bounds, the same could be said for these people.