
Staurious' face flushed red. It was humiliating but true, and he knew it. Though Morwag was covered in blood, there was a grin on his face. A fearless, daring, and confident smirk. It looked as if he didn't care about his life at all, and eyes, though swollen, were piercing. Staurious wanted to surpass this kind of genius, but he could not. That's why he hated them. Why other got better talent than him. No one could be better than him.

Morwag's gaze could make anyone uncomfortable, and that's what it did to Starious, and when he became flustered, he kicked the man on the ground. Morwag grunted and coughed a mouthful of blood, his body trembled in pain. Then he looked at Staurious and smiled. Not saying anything else. Just a look was enough.

"Don't waste any more time," said Wynfir impatiently. "Do what you are told to do."