The Change

When the entire World Magic Alliance and its members were in an uproar, Kadyn was sitting inside his meditation room. The strange energy was rotating around him and different colors of swirls were forming and disappearing inside his body. After the shop became rank 5, his magic improved faster, he felt more concentrated whenever he meditated here. And now he was just a bit away from reaching the rank 6 mage.

When Kadyn opened his eyes, it was already morning. He walked out of the meditation room and stretched. The wind was rustling and the birds were chirping—it was peaceful and tranquil. Then he went to have breakfast with everyone else. However, as soon as he finished the breakfast and was ready to step out of the house, something happened.

[Emergency Mission: Create hundred rank 5 artifacts and hundred rank 5 potions and sold them to the World Magic Alliance.]

[Time limit: 2 days]

[Reward: ?]

[Failing penalty: You will lose the system]