Dumb Statement

Ten more days passed and Cecelia was the first to reach Assimilation Stage. And then it began like a new fashion trend and others started to breakthrough one by one. Be it Khrom, Slyff, or anyone else. Except for the people who worked to produce potions or artefacts, all of them became Assimilation Stage, though potioneers and artificers also improved their strength by leaps and bounds in this short time of ten days. 

They weren't lagging behind by too much, anyway. They just needed time and they would be the world's greatest mage.

Even Kove, Rayna's son, became a fifth-ranked mage. Rayna herself became Assimilation stage after fifteen days. After the shop upgraded the Meditation Room had also changed. Now it had an effect far greater than before, it was magical before, and now it was heavenly. It was almost erupting with mana. The girls that Aleena had sent had already gone back after becoming rank 6.