
"How long till we reach Aryan?" Nathan asked curiously. If he could rank the most comfortable journeys he had taken; then this journey through the Wucan would be first from the bottom.

His limbs were shaking and he could feel that his legs had already turned to jelly. He was able to stand only by holding onto Raizel.

The few days of sprinting had already pushed Nathan to his limits. His mind and body were worn out. He wanted to start a discussion but he was too tired to. He just wanted to lie down on a soft bread-like bed and not get up.

As for the reason, to mention but a few, there was the deadly demon beast he had met on his first night here in the forest. There was also the illegal activities that they did on the second day.

They had not gone straight to report it to the Union after discovery, which was not surprising. According to the chart on his phone, only 42% make the report and 25% do so after plundering the tomb or domain.