Chapter 09: No Escape

[Turn away now before you know what you get yourself into, this section contains a lot of miserable events, with no happy ending, turn away now before having your day ruined!]

They grabbed me by my wrist a dragged me into the "employe only room". I was worried, I was wondering what they were going to make me do, what did they mean when they say I would be working as a maid, would I have to wear a dress. I swallowed hard, they opened the door and inside was full of maid dresses, not the weird fetish type ones, more like the housewife ones. I was temporary content that I wouldn't have to show too much skin, but it was still awfully bad if I'm still going to wear a dress.

We went inside the room, there was a table and some chairs in the middle of the room and they sat in silence. I cleared my throat to catch their attentions, it did, they looked at me. I ask them if I had to wear a dress, they started to chuckle, I exhaled, I was glad that I didn't need to wear a dress. But it celebrated to early, they told me that not only would I be in a dress but I would also have to put on makeup. I started to sweat, I re-thought my choice of working at the restaurant. I told them I was thinking about no longer working here, but before I could leave, the women stopped me and said it was to late.

I looked at her and ask what she meant, she told be that I was already signed up for the job. I told her that there wasn't any paperwork to prove that I ever worked here. I tried to leave again, then I had another gut feeling, this one was telling me that I was to late. She said even if they didn't have the paperwork, they still had cameras. I swallowed and said what would the camera prove, I started to sweat a little, worried for my masculinity. She said that the camera had recorded me running into the door, and when I ran into it, broke the glass. I looked at the door, it was all made out of wood, not a single glass on it, I looked at her and ask what she was trying to do. She looked at me stunned and said I wasn't very perspective, she pointed at something and I turned, it was a window, a very very cracked window.

I told her that she couldn't hold me against something if it was an accident. She gave me a sly look, what if it wasn't an accident, she grabbed me and showed me the monitor, she reversed the recording to when I ran into the door. I ran into the door, the ball bounced out of my hand and hit the window, creating the crack, a total accident. I looked at her but instead of letting me off the hook, she still had that same sly smile. She said watch as I speed the recording but just a slight amount, what I saw this time was different. It looked like I was charging at the door, through my ball, and had it bounce back and crash into the window. I didn't know if that was legal or not, knowing now it was definitely was illegal frame someone, I finally submitted. There was no escape for me, nowhere to run, I wish I had never gone outside. The girl in the ribbon grab my hand and told me that it was going to be fun working with me, this is the start of my job life, and I had no idea what it was going to bring me.