Albert the Flaw

While looking ahead, Petra said seriously, "I guess there is no choice! I will have to fight you seriously!" 

The dragon looked at her with amusement, as if hearing an interesting joke. 

While smiling, the dragon said, "If you have that enormous amount of power, don't hide it ... Use it!"

And releasing a huge amount of smoke, the temperature of his body increased. 

All those present felt a chill, and it was like a foreboding feeling due to an approaching calamity. 

A few streets from the mansion of Virtues, Satin turned his head. Whatever Petra was doing was serious. She was using her maximum power.

The battle between Fallen Virtue and Necromancer Virtue was about to enter a new arena.


Albert and Jessika came to the crack in the wall, and they had seen how many people had entered through that opening and wondered where it would lead.