Becoming a part of the family. (1)

Kang Wook's face turned an interesting shade of beetroot and embarrassment. Sniggers from the Kang Family members filled the hall in the wake of Seung's quippy jab.

"Now then" he continued, "since matters have been settled, all of you, this is the new addition to the family." He raised me up in front of the Pearl Room in the same manner that Rafiki had raised Simba in the opening of The Lion King.

However, unlike The Lion King, I wasn't greeted with smiles, joy or a standing ovation; on the contrary, they all glared at me like vultures watching their prey. There were levels of animosity, annoyance and even vigilance in their stares. These people weren't looking at me like a family member, they were looking at me as competition. As a new member of the group, I was simply a challenger in the race to be head of the family. If I grew up to be capable I would end up taking away businesses, resources, finances, and inheritance from them. I was a thorn in their side and it made me feel great.

I was starting to grow very fond of this new family; this life would definitely not be boring with these people around. I promised myself that before long they would all be staring at me with reverence and fear. They wouldn't even dare to challenge my authority nor snigger and laugh.

The imaginary image of all these people snivelling and begging at my feet made me grin, and I let out a cheerful giggle and a little squeal.


Some of the women who had been glaring at me coughed, and I heard a few people mutter "aww he's kind of cute."

"My heart thudded a little"

"I just know he's gonna be a little heart breaker when he grows up."

Hearing these slight whispers I smiled brighter. The key to winning in life is being loved. Love is synonymous with trust, respect, and power. The more likeable you are the easier it is to win this love and hence the easier it is to sway public opinion and get the things you want in life.

That's why politicians care more about their image than the policies they enforce, it's because the average person votes for someone they like and can relate to, and not for legislation. That's because we inherently believe that the person we like and trust will make the right decisions, of course, that line of thinking is flawed but many instinctively act on trust. If someone is likeable, a lot of people can overlook anything bad they do.

In history, every public figure, from Winston Churchill to Gandhi has done atrocious things, but people only remember the good because they were likeable. Popularity is a sinner's greatest tool.

As I smiled I felt Kang Seung's eyes digging a hole into the back of my head, I even heard him slightly chuckle to himself. I had definitely caught his attention.

"Kang Ho will be looked after directly by his Father Joon-ki and his Stepmother Yong Myeong. I'm sure that's all right with you Joon Ki?" he asked.

Kang Joon-ki gave me a layered look that conveyed multiple feelings that I couldn't understand, he simply answered "Of course Father."

"And for Kim Bora and Lee Min-Ki" Kang Seung turned to the duo and I saw both of them visibly pale. "You're fired, I'm sure I don't have to explain why, and of course you remember signing your non-disclosure agreements when you started here. You are aware of the consequences of a breach of contract, correct?"

"Yes Sir" they both bowed respectfully.

I noticed Lee Min-Ki giving me a small sad look, but it was a brief one, and soon he and Bora had left the hall.

With that, the meeting ended, and the members of the Kang family left the Pearl Room one by one until only Kang Seung, Madame Kang, Kang Joon-Ki and myself remained.

"ONE OF THE FAMILY!!!" Madame Kang screeched at the top of her lungs, "You have to be joking Seung—"

All Kang Seung did was glance in her direction, but that was all it took for her to stop talking mid-sentence.

"Joking?" he raised a rather handsome eyebrow, his voice soft like a still lake, "Have I ever announced something as a joke, A-Yeong?"

Madame Kang's bottom lip quivered slightly and she slowly shook her head, "Of course not, I know you don't joke about these things Seung, but think about our agreement with the Dragon group. We promised Yong Bon-Hwa that despite it being a political marriage we would make his daughter happy, having her raise a stepson wouldn't be abiding by that promise."

"Oh and how so?"

"W-w-well" her face paled a bit "since raising a child that's not your own can be unpleasant."

"A-Yeong, this child is her child" there was a no-nonsense tone in his voice, "He is a Kang and my Grandchild. He has our blood running through him. She married into our family, we didn't marry into hers. The Dragon group made a deal with us because they needed our support, not the other way around, there were several other groups who could have easily taken that spot. Or are you suggesting that KangMung is lower than the Dragons?"

"God no! I would never suggest such a thin—"

"Then since that's the case there is no problem, raising him will bring her happiness since she's fulfilling her role as his mother."

"I understand Seung but do you really want to give this bastard child a chance to integrate into the main family, that will throw him into the race to become head of the family. Head of the family should be someone from a pure untempered bloodline it goes against the principles we were raised on."

Kang Seung groaned, I was expecting him to yell at her and bite back at her for talking back to him like that, but he surprisingly listened to her. It seemed that there was a level of trust and respect in their relationship, perhaps even fondness. He definitely had a soft spot for her, how disappointing.

"So what do you want me to do A-Yeong, should I go back on my word, push him away and let him rot in a corner and drag our families name through the mud with rumours of child abuse, rumours that I only just got rid of, hmm?"

She didn't say anything to that.

"Plus he's interesting, a very smart child, a prodigy even. So young yet I see a very deep mind in his eyes. I'll make sure to put him to good use. And whether he becomes head of the family or not is up to him, his abilities and how much the family favours him. Being a bastard child in itself gives him an irrevocable barrier that will stop him from ever reaching that spot no matter how brilliant he is. So there really is no harm in this."

"You're right but every time I see him I think of that damn slut that seduced my son and gave me so much trou—"

"MUM! STOP!" Kang Joon-Ki shouted. For most of the conversation, he had been standing there silently, staring at me with caution and sadness in his eyes, but now he spoke up. "She's already dead so let her rest and don't curse her name! She wasn't a slut and she didn't seduce me, we were in love; not puppy love, genuine love. She pushed herself to be with me, she dealt with your bullshit for years and she died trying to prove her love for me. So don't you dare sully her name in your goddamn mouth!"

Madame Kang's jaw went slack with disbelief, her breathing became heavy. She seemed so in shock that she couldn't quite speak. It appeared like this was the first time her son had ever yelled at her.

"Y-y-you" she stuttered.

Kang Seung burst into laughter, "He's right A-Yeong, the girl is dead. You should let the dead rest in peace, and the baby is innocent. No need to make such a fuss." He turned to Kang Joon-Ki with a smile on his face, and dumped me in Joon-ki's arms, "Time to take responsibility and show that 'true love' of yours. Raise your child."

With a large smile on his face, as if he had watched the comedy of a lifetime, Kang Seung left the Pearl Room.