A brutal scene (1)



There were a variety of tools in John's Van. Anastasia easily found some cuffs and leg restraints to bind his limbs. While she put them on him I found some scissors and started cutting through his clothing and tossing them aside.

I then started to cut away at his hair. Judging from the containers filled with hair strands in the Van, it seemed like he had a hobby of collecting his Victims' hair, so it would be fitting if I scalped him.

"What should I do?" Anastasia asked as she watched me snip away at John's greasy locks.

"Do whatever you want, but don't leave any traces of yourself."

"How do I know if I'm leaving any traces?"

I rolled my eyes, but I had to consider her age, "I'll clean it up for you afterwards and teach you some things."

Anastasia nodded.

I thought she was going to ask more annoying questions but she surprisingly got on with it. Without much provocation, she picked up a hammer from John's tools and became smashing his toes. I heard the delightful sound of flesh being pounded and bones crunching as she crushed his feet.

Every time she hit him she gasped with joy, curious sounds came out of her mouth. At first, she was a bit cautious, but with each hit, I could hear her become more hyper and confident.

While she did that, I took one of John's knives and began to scalp him.



"I'm hungry" Anastasia complained.

"We'll go out for some McDonalds when we rejoin Min Ho and the guards. But let's finish up here."

I started taking Polaroid pictures with John's camera. As it flashed and a new photo got printed a groan came from John.

"Wow, he's up faster than I thought he would be. I thought we'd have to kill him while he was unconscious. This is great." I commented.

John's gaze was hazy but they quickly became alert. He tried to struggle but then he noticed how his limbs were restrained and how his feet and hands has been crushed. He tried to scream but his teeth had been pulled out and his tongue had been cut off. At that point, all he could do was cry.

Thick tears fell from his eyes and heartfelt groans filled the Van. I could just tell he was begging us for mercy.

"Hahahha" Anastasia burst out laughing, "I'm sorry," she said between the giggles, "his face is so stupid."

It was true. His face was very comical. The lack of teeth and the fresh bleeding gums combined with the wagging stump that used to be his tongue. He was also scalped. Parts of his skull were exposed to air. All his hair was gone since we had thoroughly shaved him. We had also carved the words "PEDO" onto his forehead and across his chest. It was stupid.

Anastasia's laughter was infectious, soon I found myself giggling with her. And we spent a good minute laughing at him.

Eventually, I stopped laughing because it was making my sides hurt. I put the camera down and I picked up the knife, "You know I really wanted to do this while you were alive and awake" I said to him.

I then proceeded to cut off John's little Johnnie. He screamed as much as he could, which just came out as muffled groans. His limbs shook but he was helpless.

"You weren't really working with much were you?" I sneered as I shoved the dismembered limb down his throat.

"Okay then" I turned to Anastasia and handed the knife into her gloved hands, "You can do the final honours."

"Huh" she looked at me with confusion, "Final Honours."

"You're gonna kill him."

"Kill him?" she stared at me with a shocked expression.

"Well obviously, what did you think we were doing here?"

"Playing with him, he is a bad man and we were teaching him a lesson. We don't need to take it any further than this."

I sighed, she had been doing so well, but she was still a child and she was drawing a moral line.

"Anastasia, the lesson isn't the point, nor does it matter that he's a bad man, we came to kill someone today."

"But that's-"

"That's what we're going to do" I pressed the handle into her palm, "Or do you want him to remember you. Think about all the trouble you'll get in if he stays alive. What if he tells someone about us."

John began moaning and shaking his head, as if to say, "I won't tell anyone."

"Ignore him. He will tell someone and when he does they'll put you away. When they put you away you'll never be able to have fun like this again, and think about Aunty, she'll be very disappointed in you."


"I know you're not worried about the act of killing, you're itching to do it. I know you. What you're worried about is the consequences, but use your brain. Obviously killing him will get rid of the consequences."

Anastasia paused and I could see her mind whirring as she mulled it over.

It didn't take long before she walked up to John. She stood over him and he whimpered underneath her in sheer terror.

She hesitated for a bit, but then she stabbed him in the chest. She pulled out the knife and then did it again, and again and again. A large grin was plastered on her face the whole time.

As I watched her I realised that one day I would definitely need to get rid of her. I felt...both thrilled and intimidated.


When she finished she had stabbed John a total of 16 times and he was pretty lifeless by that point. Tiredly she left the knife in his chest and picked up the camera. I observed her as she snapped more photos of him, flung them around his corpse, threw the camera aside and then turned to me.

"Let's go back now I'm hungry."

I agreed, before we left I swept the scene. Everything relating to us was put in my plastic disposable bags. We had been careful and all the torture weapons belonged to John, so I left the tools. It was a messy but overall evidence-free job.

We hopped out of the Van. I put our blood-covered coveralls, masks, bonnets, and gloves into the duffel and we changed back into our padded black jackets and caps. We then walked off out of the alley, leaving behind John and the black Van. Considering the location, it would be a while before John was found.


In less than a minute we were on the main street. I texted Min Ho our location and it took him barely two minutes to come in a black BMW and pick us up. He must have been nearby.

"Did you have fun?" Min Ho asked as we climbed inside and I handed him the duffel bag.

"Tons, didn't we?"

"Yep, a lot of fun." Anastasia giggled and then leant on her seat, she seemed to be in a bit of a daze.

"Make sure to burn that bag and all its contents before our flight tomorrow."

"Of course Young Master."

"Min Ho to the team, the Princess and the Young Master have been found, they were at the Park. Over" he said into the radio.

A voice came back saying, "That's brilliant, let's rendezvous at the agreed meeting point."

"Actually can we get Mcdonalds first, Anastasia and I are hungry." I interrupted.

Min Ho nodded and said to the radio, "The children are hungry and want some McDonald's. I will be stopping at a drive-thru first."

The Comm went silent for a bit before an exasperated, "Okay" came back.