Interlude: A team and their Robot

The Hashira Hero agency, an agency based near Tatooine Station in Musutafu, is where the hero team known as the Hashira do paperwork, training, experiments, and prepare for nightly excursions.

Inside the main lobby, sat behind a desk was a young dark-haired man wearing a uniformwho seems to be nearly 20 and he a feminine face, on the desk in front of him sat a nameplate in front of the computer that read 'Hashibira James', James was going through various papers with a smile on his face, the reason for the smile was because this was his first day at his new job, but his positivity was cut short when he heard a noise a loud shattering noise like glass coming from the wall to his left.

The sound kept repeating getting louder until James saw a section of the wall rapidly freeze over, quickly James dived underneath his desk turning invisible as he did so. He heard the frozen wall shatter followed by a roar before whatever made the hole busted through the adjacent wall.

James slowly got up from his desk, becoming visible as he did so, he saw from his left a blue-haired boy wearing denim jeans and a tank top running out from the room on the other side of the wall his hair was tied into a bun and oil stains covered his pants.

The boy panted he was chasing after whatever came through the lobby "M-Mr. Lei, W-What was that?!?" James stuttered, Lei, wiped the sweat from his forehead "That newbie is G0-J1, or as everyone else calls him, Kiryu. and he is having a temper tantrum." there was a twinge of annoyance in his voice when he said that James asked why "It's his least favorite day of the month, maintenance day, wanna help me?".

James followed Lei and he asked a question "Mr. Lei, what is Kiryu? from the name of it it sounds kinda cool, but menacing at the same time." Lei glanced back at James "G0-J1, or Kiryu is what I deem a masterpiece, I based the design and a couple of functions off a movie character but the main reason I call it a masterpiece isn't because of what it is but what's operating it, I'll tell you more once we catch it.".

The two followed the holes in the wall until they found the last one that led to a break room James and Lei scanned the room when James saw one of the doors under the sink was ever so slightly open, Lei moved to the sink and opened it.

When Lei turned around he held in his arms a silver reptilian robot, it was about the same size as a toddler and seemed to be bipedal and had spines along its back and tail, it had an angular head with front-facing eyes that were completely black, Lei frowned "Poor thing ran out of power, I told it not to use the AZC so many times." James searched through his head for what it was based on but he got nothing, "Mr. Lei, you said it was based on a character from a movie but I don't recognize it, and I've seen a lot of movies." Lei smirked and chuckled "Well of course you don't recognize it, the character it's based on is basically extinct in online and physical media and the company that made the movie it's from went bankrupt three centuries ago.".

the revelation shocked James, three hundred years ago, he couldn't wrap his head around it, he couldn't believe his superior but the casual nature of Lei's voice made him doubt his disbelief "but then how do you know about the company, and what movie?!" the questions came pouring out from his mouth at a hundred miles per hour, Lei just laughed "In due time I'll answer most of your questions but first let's get this little guy charged up.".

Lei headed back to where the chase first started and James followed closely behind. they both entered a laboratory/workshop where Lei worked, it had a large central table that had multiple arms equipped with various tools and nearby were multiple monitors displaying a variety of diagrams that James assumed were Kiryu's blueprints, Lei placed the robot on the table in a sitting position and plugged Kiryu into the table.

Lei turned around and motioned for James to sit on a nearby stool, the moment James sat down Lei talked "The reason why Kiryu is my masterpiece is because of its AI, an AI that doesn't just mimic sentience, it is sentience no, it's life itself, it feels emotions, it learns, matures, and has free will, it's basically a life form, sadly it's only flaw is that it can't express what its feeling through speech yet, I'm still making its language program, it's almost done though, planning on downloading it into Kiryu on his birthday, get him excited."

James was astonished at what his superior said, an AI that is essentially a life form is beyond even the US military, he knew Lei called himself the ultimate inventor but this was madness, though he couldn't help but reminisce about when he and his younger brother Jason celebrated his birthday before the entrance exams, or any of his previous birthdays, but then he wondered why the word birthday was used, "Um sir, don't you mean anniversary, since your talking about when you created it?".

Lei walked over to the monitors and begun a automated diagnostics test, the tabletop gave of a white-blue glow as it scanned Kiryu, he looked at the robot with soft eyes and shook his head "No, because to me and Yujuro, it's basically my kid metaphorically and maybe almost literally." He looked back at the monitors, which so far have read positive results "I feel like I should've asked this earlier but what can he do?" Lei moved over to the robotic lizard, the scan already complete, he tapped its chest "well let's start with his most powerful feature, you already seen it's Absolute Zero Cannon, what you saw was the walls temperature drop to zero Kelvin, or Absolute Zero, initially this drained nearly all of his power after a single use but after a couple of upgrades It only drains about an eight of its power after a single use." .

He pointed at Kiryu's mouth "Next is his most basic weapon, a single Maser Cannon in its mouth, in the movies Kiryu had twin Maser Cannons but I could only fit one if I wanted it to be able to speak in the near future." He turned around and pressed his index finger on the robots neck and a few seconds later Kiryu's eyes turned on, they were completely white for a second before a oval red dot appeared in the center of the eye.

For the next few hours James got to know Kiryu, until a alarm went of throughout the building. Lei looked at the monitors "It's the Call Signal, and it seems it's coming from… Son of a bitch, come on Kiryu!" The two stormed out of the room though Kiryu stopped and waved goodbye to James before leaving.