Third person's pov :
In a room slightly lit by sunshine, standing infront of a full mirror was a young girl with burdendy hair reaching just above her tighs, bright violet eyes staring directly onto her reflection, a high nose and red lips, slightly pink cheeks and a long thin neck. Dressed in a night suit...
Ariel : Just stop making it so boring, I'll introduce myself.
Writer : hey, that's my job.
Ariel : Your job is to make it interesting, rather making it sound like some sort of old tales.
(starts changing her clothes and getting ready) So as I was saying I am Ariel Spencer, I live with my foster parents because my parents died when I was 14 and according to humans law you need a guardian at young age. I abide by human laws because my parents had some textile businesses sat up in human region in order to claim them as mine I have to reach at the age of 18, till then my guardians are responsible for them. (starts curling her hair).
My foster parents and my real parents were actually good friends that's why after their death, they decided to be my guardian and help run the business till I am 18. My foster parents are actually very nice to me, they never forced me to call them dad or mom, they never wanted me to forget about my real parents instead they wanted me to remember every single detail about them, they would tell me stories about my parents and also some stories related to my childhood. I just call my foster parents by their names. They have only one son named Ryan he is one year older than me. He also treats me like his sister. (puts on her shoes).
I am 17 and starting my high school today. I am wearing a oversized hoodie with some sweat pants. I am not someone who would spend hours getting ready for school. It also doesn't means that I can't dress myself up it's just that I am too lazy.
I am not very excited for the first day or for meeting new friends.
Ariel : Now you can continue.
Writer : at last, now why don't you continue?
Ariel : stop being like a old grumpy lady.
Writer : (mumbles something under her breath).
Ariel picked up an apple from her refrigerator and went straight to the front door. Opening the door she was welcomed by bright rays of sun. She covered her eyes and started to walk towards her bicycle standing in the front lawn.
Riding her bicycle and enjoying the clear weather she reached her new school at 9:00 am. The school was quite huge, there were two buildings one was a three storey building while another building at a distance just had one floor, there was a huge basket ball court along with a football field each having their respective places for spectators to sit and enjoy the games.
Ariel went towards the building on her left. The building was quite empty. There were noises coming from one of the classrooms echoing through the whole building. She decided to follow them and see where it leads.
As she followed the noise she came across an empty class with only four girls and she saw something that you should stay far from if you are not sure that you can help.
There was someone getting bullied at first it was amusing for her. The three surrounding her looked like those special sluts without which your high school drama is incomplete, while the one being beaten up had hazel eyes, slim figure and a slightly chubby face, with a cute button nose. For a moment she thought that at least she will get some high school drama, but then the sight of the girl made her heart ache. The train of her thoughts was running wild, with the questions like why does she feels a connection with her. It's not like she is related to her or anything. It's not the first time she is seeing someone getting beaten up then why does she feel bad. She felt an urge in her to protect that girl.
She weighed the pro's and con's if she helped the one being bullied, if she helped her won't they be more mean to her. The things began to grow worse and they started kicking the girl in her guts.
As she saw her falling then all she saw was red she suddenly wanted to rip everyone in sight. Why the hell is this happening to me? She thought before rushing towards her to help her without having much control over her body. She sensed that the one getting bullied was a light.
At first, she helped that girl to stand properly, she tried to control my anger as Ariel threatened those girls to never ever bully anyone otherwise the things will not end on good terms.
Soon Ariel realized that it was the biggest mistake she could ever make but she didn't care, she knew that she was getting involved with humans but she wasn't afraid all of that didn't matter to her. A few minutes later more students came in as she was in the assembly hall taking care of the girl she just helped.
"What is your name"? Ariel asked her politely as she replied "Samantha ". She asked Samantha more about her and since when and why was she getting bullied. Ariel is not a busy body kind of person it's just that she felt some sort of connection with her. Samantha began crying and said that those girls have been bullying her since mid-school as all of them were in the same school, at first she thought that she helped a girl whom she thought was nice but then she found out that that girl just staged her. Ariel gave her a hug and spent some more time with her till the torture (Assembly) started and they had to stand up in lines.
After waiting for a long time and hearing the principal with a round belly giving some boring speech on the first day about rules and their importance, the students were allowed to go in their classes. Samantha thanked Ariel before going to her class. Ariel asked directions from students nearby and reached her class, as she approached near, she saw that those girls were in the same class as mine. As if things weren't bad enough already, the only seat remaining was right in the middle of them. One sitting on her right side, one on left and one behind her. All three of them staring at her like a pry.
There was a weird looking and overweighted teacher standing next to the door with a clearly mismatch outfit such as purple top and bright yellow skirt with big nerd glasses. She welcomed Ariel and asked her to introduce herself "Hello everyone my name is Ariel and I am seriously hoping to be friends with you all and looking forward to spending a great year together. Let's all get along well! ". The lies she had to tell to stay without someone suspecting anything about her, she thought in her mind.
After she finished talking, the teacher told them to turn to page 4 and then started the lecture. One after another teachers came did introductions and gave small lectures as it was the first day of high school. Soon came the the last period and it was time to go home.
However Ariel was unable to pay attention to even a single class as those girls were continously throwing stuff in her direction and she was surprised to see that she was patient for that long and got out of there without ripping someone's head. Not wanting to make a scene on first day she endured but that doesn't means that there will be no payback. (evil smile).
Ariel spotted Samantha and rushed towards her but she ignored Ariel. Ariel was about to ask her but she heard a horn and saw Robin's car ( her foster dad) she quickly hopped in.
"So how was your day? " Robin asked her . "It was great" Ariel replied in a monotone. She turned back and saw her bicycle nicely folded in the back seat.
The ride to home was quite, there was once a time when she wouldn't stop babbling for hours and people would beg her to keep her mouth shut but that was before her parents death, three years ago when she was 14.
Her parents were actually murdered by someone they trusted , that got Ariel trust issues,the reason why she hates talking much to strangers. But Samantha was exception.
Ariel has her two best friends Alan and Jackson. They are not some normal friends but also share a blood bond between each other. Many of you must be wondering what she is at this point. Well you'll know that later for now, let me tell you about the blood bond.
The blood bond is actually a kind of thing that binds the soul together. Since Ariel have a bond with Alan and Jackson so she can feel their emotions and pain and they can feel her emotions and pain. But the most amazing thing about a blood bond is that it forbade betrayal, like if she ever tried betraying one of them she will die because of their combined mental pain and vice versa. Mental pain is actually a strong thing and if it gets double then can be fatal.
Ariel actually doesn't has to go to a high school. She ended my high school when she was 12 and even got a degree in business. People of her kind are fast learners and she was the fastest of them all.
Now that in human boundaries she has to go through the whole process again to decrease suspicions.