Days went by without food, water, or any source of survival. The cave became darker as days goes by, Negative energy flowing in like some sort of fresh air, Inhalation of such air couldn't be avoided making it take its effect on them slowly disrupting their thoughts.
Everywhere in the cave wasn't safe and it felt like ages since they had been walking in circles to finally come across a tunnel which showed to be different from the others they had gone through. The tunnel had a metal door as strong as titanium its handle was made of steel.
Turning the knob the door opened without any effort. They all walked in with a little bit of hope Killeen was hopping on his feet his only thought was it should lead to some sort of entrance.
Palin observing Killeen could see his excitement began to smile said smile was creepy with his eyes never leaving the man's back figure, he had the perfect death for him.