No, You Are Mine

I wake because the ground under me moves. The Wind is howling outside, and an icy draught kisses my cheek. There's a low rumble all around me. I sit up in the darkness. I'm in the attic, lying by myself on the simple mattress.

Something creaks above me. Is someone walking on the roof?


Only the roaring wind answers. I get up, careful not to put any weight on my ankle, and jump on one leg until I reach the small skylight. I can't see anything; it's covered by a deep layer of snow. The roof groans again, the wood making noises that don't sound very reassuring. Is this place safe?

The cold draught makes me shiver, and I limp-follow it to the other side of the attic. No wonder it's so cold. A small hole in the roof gives me a view of the snowstorm raging outside. Thick snowflakes are catapulted through the air, twisting and turning as they're thrown around by the wind. It's loud out there, much louder than I thought a storm could be.

Something explodes beside me and I scream.

"Isla?" A voice calls from far away.

It's suddenly very cold. Something is running down my cheek. I turn and see the window lying on the floor. What's left of it, anyway. It's broken into a thousand pieces, letting in the snow and the wind. Wood splinters are scattered around it, and one side of the wooden frame is dangling down from the ceiling.

"Isla, are you alright?" Torben is climbing up the ladder, a torch in his hand, quickly scanning the room for a threat. A second later, he's by my side.

"You're bleeding. Wait, don't touch it, there may still be a splinter inside." He shines the light of the torch into my face, and I blink. His warm fingers gently probe my cheek.

"It's only a scratch, but we should put some disinfectant on it," he says, his eyes as warm as his fingers.

He helps me to the ladder, then lets me climb on his back. This being carried around by guys is becoming a habit. I'm not sure I dislike it. Torben is warm, hot almost, and I snuggle against him. When we reach the ground floor, the roof creaks again. It's as if the house is shuddering in the cold. It's groaning in pain.

"We need to get out of this place," Torben says, his voice tinged with worry. Something crashes to the floor above us. He closes his eyes for a moment, concentrating. When he opens them again, there's a flicker of bright blue in them, gone a second later.

"Finn will be here in a moment. Let's get you some warmer clothes."

He sits me down by the glowing coals in the living room, leaving his hands on my shoulders for a moment longer than necessary, then turns away and climbs up into the attic again. There's another crashing sound from above, and dust floats down from the ceiling. I can hear Torben swear, and I'm quite glad I can't make out the words.

A moment later, he's back, his shoulders and back covered in snow. He hands me a hoodie, far too big for me, but better than the thin sweater I'm wearing. It smells like one of the boys... Húnn, I think.

"Let's go." Without warning, Torben picks me up and carries me - bridal style - outside. A large golden bear is waiting for us. Finn.

Somehow I expected riding a bear to be fun. To be exciting, thrilling. But it's nothing of the sort. It's cold, uncomfortable, hard to stay on. My fingers are freezing and I'm having trouble clinging to his fur while he's running through the night. I'm pressing my body against his back to shelter myself from the icy wind, but he is too broad and my thighs are already sore from trying to stay in this position. Torben's polar bear is running in front of us, his white fur disappearing into the snowstorm. I don't think I can hold on much longer. When Finn jumps over a root, I almost slip. I yelp, but the sound is swallowed by the storm. Finn must have noticed, because he's increasing his speed, racing against the wind.

When he finally stops, I let go, sliding down to the ground. My muscles are locked in place, and I can no longer feel my fingers and toes. I hate the cold. Why did we leave the warm house and the fireplace again? This was a stupid idea. Stupid bears.

Someone warm picks me up and carries me inside. I look around, expecting another house. No such luck, it's a cave. A pretty big one, judging from what I can make out in the dim light the snow reflects from outside. A torch flashes to life on one cave wall, illuminating a naked Finn. Not again.

Minutes later, I'm sandwiched between two bears. The furry kind, not the naked humans they were a moment ago. Finn has lit a few torches and a small fire. It can't compete with the warmth the two bears are giving me, though. I shiver, and suddenly two massive bears rub against me from both sides. Something in me ignites, and I'm starting to feel almost too hot. Maybe that's from imagining them as humans, snuggling, hugging, touching ... no-go zone, Isla. They're going to leave soon, so don't start depending on them. Which is kind of hard, being caught in the middle of a snowstorm. I run my hands through Finn's fur, and he hums in contentment. Torben's muzzle nudges me from behind, and I extend a hand to his fur as well. Torben's fur is thicker, shorter, while Finn has long and almost soft fur. I rub against both of them, reciprocating the motion - stop! What do you think you're doing?

I send some cold thoughts towards my conscience and she quiets down. I've got a good reason to hug bears tonight.

Suddenly Torben sits up, growling. Finn's ears twitch and he jumps towards the cave entrance, leaving one side of my body in the cold. Torben barks and Finn turns back, lowering his head in deference. I know they're communicating in their minds and I would give anything - well, a lot - to be able to listen to what they're saying.

With a growl, Torben gets up and races into the night, leaving me with Finn. Watching the polar bear running gracefully off into the dark, I don't even notice Finn shift until I feel a human hand on my shoulder. I look up and - ignore certain bits and try to avoid blushing.

"Ràn's hurt," he whispers hoarsely. "Torben has gone to help."

Time passes achingly slow. Finn has changed back into a bear to help keep me warm, but he's promised to shift as soon as the others contact him. I'm clinging to him, trying to ignore the pictures of an injured Ràn racing through my mind. Finn said the brothers had gone to the house, which apparently had almost collapsed by the time they got there. Without even waiting to contact Torben to find out if we were ok, Ràn jumped into the building. That's when it fully collapsed, burying Ràn under it. Stupid, stupid bear.

It's cold. Every few minutes I turn so my body stays warm on all sides. Like a kebab, basically.

After about ten turns, Finn finally shifts. Apparently, he can do it while lying down, impressive. Not so impressive is having him lie against me from behind, skin on skin.

"They got him out of the rubble," he whispers as if any loud sound would make it worse. "He had to shift for the boys to pull him out, but he's in too much pain to shift back. We heal best in our bear form and can stand the pain a lot better. Ràn needs to shift, but the pain is stopping him from doing it. Torben is trying to deal with his wounds, but he's no healer, and Ràn is refusing to be touched. The only person he's letting close is his brother, and only as a bear."


"Because... it's not my story to tell. Let's just say that he can't stand the touch of other men."

"Will he let a woman touch him?"

"I suppose so... We've never tried. As you'll have noticed, he doesn't talk much. It used to be different, he used to be so much like Húnn that everyone took them for twins, but now... I'm never quite sure what goes on in his head."

I turn around to look into his sad eyes. The pain in his voice makes me reach out to touch his cheek, wiping away a tear that isn't there. He takes my hand and grips it tightly.

"If we got him to you... do you think you could help him?"

"I'll do my best. I may be trained in medicine, but to help him he'll have to let me touch him."

Finn looks into my eyes for a moment. Finding what he needs to see, he nods and releases my hand. He shifts and closes his eyes, talking to the others. When he opens them again, he gives me a nod and wraps his huge paws around me. Hugged by a bear. If I wasn't so worried about Ràn I could even enjoy it. A lot.

I know they are coming when Finn untangles his large form from me. He gives me a nod, then runs outside into the snow. Only one of the torches is still burning, giving off a tiny bit of light. Not enough to see further than the cave entrance. It takes a few agonising minutes until I can hear the sound of heavy pawsteps in the snow.

Ràn is lying on Húnn's back, his pale naked body looking small and broken against the black fur of his brother. Finn and Torben are on either side, preventing Ràn from sliding to the ground.

When they enter the cave, they shift. Torben carefully carries Ràn and lays him down next to the fire, while Finn reignites the torches. The more light fills the cavern, the more I can see Ràn's injuries. Deep gashes are covering his back, bruising is already forming around his shoulders, and his right arm is bent at a strange angle. His teeth are clenched in pain, his angular jaw forming sharp lines.

I kneel by his side, gently laying a hand on his cheek. He flinches, but I leave it there. I need to see if I'll be able to treat him. When he doesn't protest further, I press two fingers against his throat, checking his pulse. It's alarmingly slow, and his skin is getting clammy. I need to do something, now.

"Ràn, what is hurting you the most?"

"Back. Shoulder," he grinds through clenched teeth.

"Can you wiggle your toes for me?" He does it without question. Good. The first step is to stop the bleeding.

"Do you have any bandages?"

The guys shake their heads.

"It's all in the house. And we don't have any clothes we could rip." Yes, thanks for reminding me.

"Then I'll do it," I say more confidently than I am. Without looking at the men, I take off my hoodie, then the thin sweater I'm wearing underneath. I hand them to Torben, ignoring the glances he shoots at my bra.

"Try and make some long strips out of them." He gives me a grim nod and I turn back to Ràn. He's staring at me, but his eyelids are flickering.

"We need to wash your wounds or they'll get infected," I tell him gently. "Finn, get us some snow. Húnn, I'm going to have to reduce his shoulder, and he might want something to bite on."

Without waiting for their responses, I do a quick examination of his body. I can't find anything more than the injuries I've already seen, but I've only seen his back. I need to examine his chest and abdomen.

Finn returns, and with his help, I carefully cover Ràn's back with snow. The cold will not only stem the bleeding, but it'll also help wash out any dirt from the wounds. With every touch, Ràn flinches and groans, but all I can do is to reassure him and tell him what I'm doing.

Torben hands me the makeshift bandages, and I carefully but firmly wrap them around Ràn's back. "Help me turn him around," I ask the guys, and they get in position at his feet and head.

"Ràn, I know you don't want them to touch you, but it's only going to be for a moment, ok?"

Waiting for them to signal they're ready, I give the guys a nod and together we slowly roll him onto his back, making sure the bandages are staying in place. Ràn growls in pain. As soon as it's done, the others step back.

There are a few scratches and bruises on Ràn's chest, but nothing as bad as the gashes on his back. I wish I had a stethoscope with me. But I don't, so I lower my head against his chest until my right ear touches his skin. His breath is a little shallow but regular. No wheezing. That's good.

"I'm going to feel around your chest and abdomen. I'll try and be as gentle as possible, but let me know if it hurts."

He gives me another grim nod and I begin running my hands over his collarbone, his ribs, his abs. For a moment, I'm imagining doing this in a different setting, wearing even less than my bra - but I brush that thought away as soon as it appears. Concentrate, Isla. And definitely don't look down. Remember, he's naked, and you don't want to see him like that. Not now, anyway.

"Your belly is a little tender, but as long as it doesn't get worse, we've got more pressing things to look at." I don't tell him that he might be bleeding internally. He didn't mention a pain in his stomach, so if I'm lucky, I can get him to shift before the bleed gets any worse. But for that to happen, I need to deal with his other injuries.

"I need to have a look at your shoulder. It'll hurt. Do they need to hold you down or can you keep still?"

"I'll manage." His voice is hoarse, and the pain in it makes me shiver. I wish I had some pain meds I could give him.

I take a look at his arm, gently manipulating his hand and joints. When I bend his elbow, he cries out in pain, ripping his arm away, making him howl even more. I shoot him a stern look, and with a groan, he stretches it back out to me.

"Your shoulder is dislocated, but I think I can get it back into place. Then we'll see if anything is broken. Húnn, give him the wood you got."

With the biting stick in place, I ask the guys to be ready to hold him down in case he struggles. I feel a little like a torturer when I say it.

This isn't the first time I've set a dislocated shoulder, but it's the first time I'm doing it on a bear shifter that could charge me at any moment. Maybe not the best idea, but I'm the only one who can do it.

"I need to stand for this. Finn, can you hold me up?" Damn this stupid ankle. The shifter steps behind me and pulls me to my feet. For a moment, I wish I could stay in his arms until I'm warm again. But there isn't time. I bend down, wrap my fingers around Ràn's lower arm and take a deep breath.


He nods, his teeth already grinding down on the piece of wood Húnn has given him.

I slowly pull while twisting the arm. Ràn howls, but doesn't struggle like I expected. I pull more, then release. With a satisfying crunch, his shoulder snaps back into place. Ràn roars in pain but manages not to struggle. I run my fingers over his shoulder, gently probing whether everything is as it should be. I slump back, sighing in relief. It worked. And I didn't get eaten.

Ràn spits out the wood. "Better," he rasps. And shifts.

Maybe I expected the injuries to magically disappear after he shifted. They don't. Ràn is staying on the ground, panting heavily. The bandages I put on his back are lying uselessly on the ground. Blood is slowly seeping through his fur. I quickly kneel down to put them back in place.

"Isn't he supposed to heal?" My voice comes out as a high-pitched squeak. Oops.

Arms wrap around me from behind. I'm pulled up to my feet. "It'll take a while," Torben's hoarse voice whispers into my ear. "Maybe an hour or two. But without you, it would have taken a lot longer." I am turned around until his blue eyes are looking straight into mine. "We're in your debt, little human. I'm in your debt."

He carries me away from the others until we're standing in the mouth of the cave, looking into the stormy darkness.

"You saved me. The debt is mine." I expect the god of tearjerkers to appear any moment now.

"No. You are mine." His smouldering eyes are coming closer, and so is the rest of his face. Including his mouth. His gorgeous lips. He hesitates just a breath away, then closes in. His lips press against mine, his tongue nudging me to open my mouth. I comply and the bear enters my heart.

We only break our kiss when Finn clears his throat behind us. I feel guilty about being caught, but Torben just puts an arm around my shoulders, staking his claim. Finn bows his head, accepting that I am now his alpha's… what exactly? Woman? Girlfriend? One nightstand? I really need to talk to him about this. I don't know anything about bears and their... ehm... mating behaviour. Do they stay with someone for life? Wow, I hope not. I just ran from a marriage and I'm in no hurry to end up in another. Not that I'm someone to sleep around. Hell, I'm a virgin. My uncle has never let anyone get close to me. Except for Marcus. He was very happy to give me to him.

"I just wanted to ask where we're going to sleep tonight," Finn asks, clearly uncomfortable. "We no longer have the house, and this cave is not really the best place to stay."

Torben sighs but keeps his arm around my shoulders. "We have no choice but to stay here for now. Once the storm dies down, we can see what's salvageable from the hut. Wasn't there another cottage on the other side of the island?"

"Yeah, but it was in pretty bad condition last time I checked. And now after this storm.... we can check, but we shouldn't get our hopes up."

Torben nods and my heart sinks at the thought of spending a night in this dark, wet cave. I miss my little attic room already.

"Maybe it's time to leave this island," Torben mutters, more to himself than to us. "We've been here long enough."

"The sea ice was back last time I was at the beach," Finn says. "I guess it would be nicer to walk over ice than to swim. But we'd have to be fast, we don't want to be caught out in the middle of the ocean when the ice melts."

"Good point." Torben nods and Finn's face lights up. I hadn't realised before how much Torben's praise means to the others. I'm beginning to understand that while the polar bear is one of them, he's also in charge. The alpha. "Let's wait until morning, by then Ràn should be fully healed. Isla can take turns riding on us. We only take the essentials, whatever we can find in the rubble of the old hut. Hopefully, we'll have more luck on another island."

"Which one are we going to?" I ask, rummaging in my head for my limited geographical knowledge. There aren't any proper maps of the islands that were once the Scottish Highlands, but my uncle had a few hand-drawn ones in his office. Not that I could even say which one we're on. I didn't really care what direction I went in when I fled my home.

"There's one to the West which looks similar to this one. Maybe that's the real Inchbrach, the Island of Bears. Or maybe it's not, who knows. But we won't find any answers here, so the chances are better everywhere else."

He sounds resigned. I'm sure they've had that conversation many times before. Their search can't be easy. They're not even from this country - although they'd probably disagree. But they weren't born here and didn't experience the Drowning here either. I have few memories of the time before the world sank, but those are mostly good ones. When my parents were still alive. When I still had a family.

"Let's go back inside. It's getting cold." Wow, he's finally noticed. Bears seem to deal with the cold much better than little human me.

Torben once again sweeps me off my feet (in more ways than one) and carries me into the cave. Finn winks at me as he follows us. We must look rather funny. The Viking carrying home his prize.

Ràn has changed back into his human form and is curled up on the ground. His wounds have almost disappeared and he seems to be sleeping peacefully. His brother is by his side, watching the small fire in the centre of the cave.

"How is he?" Torben asks and Húnn looks up, his face hidden in shadows.

"Well enough, I guess," he says quietly. "He'll be alright again by tomorrow."

"Good. We're leaving as soon as the sun rises," Torben announces. "Spring is coming and we've got a long journey ahead of us."

I'm lying across the laps of four bear shifters. They couldn't decide who was going to cuddle me. Now they're all laying claim on me. At least they're wearing trousers. Lucky me.

We're sitting at the mouth of the cave, watching the sun slowly appearing behind the trees. Its light is painting the world a beautiful orange, driving away from the memories of a night of pain and fear. It's cold, but I'm not. I'm warmed by my four shifters. Yes, my shifters. My four bears. I invaded their island, and they invaded my heart. It's almost time to leave. I'm excited and a little scared at the same time. But I know we will succeed because… come on… bears.