Trading Ship

I'm cuddled up between warm bodies, my arms hugging two of them. Without even looking, I know that all four bears are with me. My awareness has increased dramatically since last night; I can even hear their heartbeats now. And I'm pretty sure that even without hearing them, I'd be able to sense them. Through our bond, I can feel their emotions. It's all contentment and sleepiness, just the way I'm feeling right now.

We're still on the living room floor which we got to know very well last night. I explored all their bodies and they mine. We became one, the lines blurred between our minds for just a moment, but the echo of it is still vivid in my memories. I want to feel that again, and if I have to chain them all to my bed. That actually sounds like a pretty good idea.

I concur Alis adds with a laugh. Keep them close, they're worth the effort and heartache.

I smile at that, remembering how the last bit of anger at Torben dissolved when he moved in me. Several times. I almost wish I'd feel a little sore after all our activity, but my shifter healing must have kicked in. So did my stamina. I lost count at how often I took them inside me. We had fun, that's for sure.

I stretch and hug the closest bear, enjoying the feel of my naked warm skin against his. I sniff. Húnn. He blinks open one eye and smiles when he sees me looking at him.

"Good morning, little one."

"Good morning," I whisper back. "I have a feeling something exciting is going to happen today."

He chuckles. "More exciting than yesterday?"

I nod. "I've got a tingling all over. Call it a premonition. Maybe it's nothing, but I feel like something is going to change."

Now he frowns. "Good or bad change?"

I shrug. "I'm not a soothsayer."

What you're feeling is because of me. My connection to the Fates is trembling. They're up to something. Húnn is asking a valid question. With the Fates, you never know if it's going to be good or bad.

The Fates? What are they?

Seriously? Where has all the knowledge gone? They weave the thread of life and control all our destinies. Their strings aren't rigid as people think, they give us leeway to make our own decisions, but that also means that sometimes, a thread gets so loose that it forms a knot. There are even tales of people ripping their own thread out of the fabric, taking their destiny into their own hands, but that may just be a story to make people think that they have a choice. The Fates sent me here to deal with one of the knots. I believe it's why the bear shifters have been disappearing. They made a mistake and now we have to deal with it.

So what I'm feeling now, this tingling... it means they're changing a thread?

Yes, or preparing to add a new one. The Fates like to amuse themselves from time to time. It must be boring to watch us all live our lives happily - so they add a bit of chaos once in a while. They're not malicious, just bored.

So the bear shifters are disappearing because some random women are bored?!

Don't insult the Fates... but yes. Pretty much.

"Talking to your bear?" Húnn asks, pulling a loose strand of hair out of my face. His hand stays on my cheek, his thumb drawing small circles on my skin. I smile at this gentle gesture. I need to spend more time with Húnn. More time with all of them, alone. Usually, they're all together, but to get to know them properly, we need some one-on-one time. Maybe I should come up with a schedule. A bear a day...

"Yes, she's telling me about the Fates."

"Oh." He's quiet for a moment. "I didn't think that old belief was still around. I've only come across it in books, but my bear says he knows more about them than what I've read. I wonder why he hasn't spoken of them before."

"Ask him?"

"He's a little annoyed at me right now," Húnn mumbles. "I shut him out last night and now he's jealous."

I laugh. "Luckily Alis disappeared without me having to force her to."

You wouldn't be able to force me.

A knock against the door makes me sit up. A chorus of yawns signal that the other bears have awoken. I smile at their slightly grumpy faces. Winter is almost over, but they're still in hibernation mode.

"The trading ship has arrived!" Arnold shouts from the hallway. "We're about to head to the beach, are you coming with us?"

I wouldn't miss this for the world. Ever since the Drowning and moving to Salvation Island, the only new people I've met have been men from other islands coming to join ours, and the six men in this house. Excitement grips me and I jump up, not caring that my bears are seeing me naked. They all know my body inside out by now. No reason to be embarrassed.

"We're coming, just give us a moment to get dressed!" I shout, already rummaging through the pile of clothes that we discarded on the sofa.

"Do you have to get dressed?" Torben complains, staring at me hungrily.

I give him a stern glance. "Get up, I want to see this ship. Or stay if you want, but I'm going."